Assessment of catchment data, nutrient loads to sea regions and socio-economic response.
Contact WP leader Hans Estrup Andersen, AU.
The aims of the workpackage are to provide:
- Consistent data on land-use and agricultural management in the Baltic Sea drainage basin (10 km grid scale and regional scale) for baseline and socio-economic scenarios.
- Model results on least cost solutions for BSAP (Link to WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5). S
- Socio-economic scenarios into resulting effects on agricultural nutrient losses and loads to the sea regions (Link to WP2, WP3 and WP5).
- The Go4Baltic farm survey to sample data on farmers’ choices of measures and policies, with focus on fertiliser application and use
- Translation of socio-economic scenarios into resulting effects on soil organic carbon storage and GHG emissions (Link to WP4 and WP5).