
Publications from BONUS GO4BALTIC

These peer reviewed articles have been published until June 2019: 

·         Elofsson, K. 2017. Optimal strategies for inland and coastal water monitoring. In Swain, R.B. (ed.): Environmental Challenges in the Baltic Region. Palgrave MacMillan .

·         Elofsson K, von Brömssen C 2017, The revealed preferences of Baltic Sea governments: Goals, policy instruments, and implementation of nutrient abatement measures. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 15; 118(1-2):188-196. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.02.014. (open access)

·         Gren, I-M. and Elofsson, K. 2017. Credit stacking in nutrient trading markets for the Baltic Sea. Marine Policy 79:1-7.

·         Hasler, B, Hansen, LB, Andersen, HE & Termansen, M 2019, 'Cost-effective abatement of non-point source nitrogen emissions - the effects of uncertainty in retention' Journal of Environmental Management.

·         Hasler, B, Hansen, LB, Andersen, HE & Termansen, M 2019, 'Cost-effective abatement of non-point source nitrogen emissions: The effects of uncertainty in retention' Journal of Environmental Management, bind 246, s. 909-919.

·         Hansen, LB, Termansen, M & Hasler, B  2019, 'The Potential for Nitrogen Abatement Trading in Agriculture: A Hypothetical Market Experiment' Journal of Agricultural Economics.

·         Hautakangas S. and M. Ollikainen 2019. Nutrient trading among waste water treatment plants in the Baltic Sea region. Environmental and Resource Economics 73: 533-556. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-018-0273-5

·         Konrad, MTH, Levin, G & Termansen, M 2018, 'Landowners’ mo- tivation for adopting perennial energy crops: Drivers, barriers, and neighbourhood effects' , European Review of Agricultural Economics. jby015,

·         Konrad, M.T., Nielsen, H.Ö., Pedersen, A.B. Elofsson, K. 2019 Adoption of three nutrient abatement technologies in five Baltic Sea countries. Ecological Economics. 159:91-100, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.12.022

·         Kosenius, A.-K. & Ollikainen, M.  2019 “Drivers of participation in gypsum treatment of fields as an innovation for water protection. Ecological Economics 157, 382-393. (open access)

·         Lötjönen, S. & Ollikainen, M. 2018. Does Crop Rotation with Legumes Provide an Efficient Means to Reduce Nutrient Loads and GHG Emissions? Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 98 (4): 283−312. DOI: 10.1007/s41130-018-0063-z

·         Nainngolan D, Hasler, B, Andersen, HE, Gyldenkærne, S & Ter- mansen, M 2018, 'Water quality management and climate change mitigation: cost-effectiveness of joint implementation in the Baltic Sea region' Ecological Economics, vol. 144, pp. 12-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.07.026

·         Reusch, TBH, Dierking, J, Andersson, HC, Bonsdorff, E, Carsten- sen, J, Casini, M, Czajkowski, M, Hasler, B, Klaus, H, Hyytiainen, K, Johannesson, K, Jomaa, S, Jormalainen, V, Kuosa, H, Kurland, S, Laikre, L, McKenzie, BR, Magonski, P, Melzner, F, Oesterwind, D, Refsgaard, JC, Sandström, A, Schwarz, G, Tonderski, K, Winder, M & Zandersen, M 2018,   The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean' Science Advances, vol. 4, no. 5, eaar8195. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar8195 (open access).

A large number of conference presentations have been delivered during the project duration:

·         Blicher-Mathiesen G, Andersen HE, Rasmussen A, Rolighed J, Car- stensen M. How to increase utilization of nitrogen in manure - the Danish case. March 14 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Brockwell, E. and Elofsson, K. Shaping Environmental Policy Choices – A Logistic Regression Analysis on Swedish Municipal Councils. Paper presented at the second Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics workshop, 12-13 April 2018, Bergen.

·         Brockwell, E. and Elofsson, K. Shaping Environmental Policy Choices – A Logistic Regression Analysis on Swedish Municipal Councils. Paper presented at the second Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics workshop, 12-13 April 2018, Bergen.

·         Czajkowski M, Hasler B, Elofsson K, Hansen LB, Helin J, Häggmark T, Konrad M, Nielsen HØ, Niskanen O, Noman T, Pedersen AB, Petersen K, Zagorska K. Exploring farmers’ prefer- ences  for  implementing  agri-environmental  schemes  -  a   cross country comparison of schemes as incentives for nutrient abate- ment in Baltic Sea catchments. March 14 Presentation at the BO- NUS final conference, Gdansk

·         Czajkowski M, Andersen HE, Blicher-Mathiesen G, Elofsson K, Hagemejer J, Hasler B, Humborg C, Smart J, Smedberg E, Stålnacke P, Thodsen H, Wąs A, Wilamowski M, Żylicz T, Hanley N. Im- proving the cost-effectiveness of water quality improvements through spatial scale changes to target-setting. March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Elofsson K, von Brömssen C.The revealed preferences of Baltic Sea governments: Goals, policy instruments, and implementation of nutrient abatement measure. March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk

·         Hansen LB, Termansen M, Hasler B. Flexibility in the choice of N abatement measures: Implications for costs of implementation and environmental service provision . March 14 Presentation at the BO- NUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Helin J. Developing improved methods for identifying the cost-ef- ficient abatement set in the Baltic Sea region. March 15 Presenta- tion at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Hansen, L. B., Termansen, M., & Hasler, B. (2017). Effectiveness of markets in nitrogen abatement: A Danish case study. Presentation,   XV EAAE Congress 2017, Parma, Italy.

·         Hansen, L. B., Termansen, M., & Hasler, B. (2017). Effectiveness of markets in nitrogen abatement: a Danish case study. Poster presented at the Annual conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists , Athens, Greece.

·         Hasler B, , K.H. Zemo, L.B. Hansen, M.T. Konrad, H.Ø. Nielsen, A.B. Pedersen, M. Czajkowski, K. Elofsson, T. Häggmark,O. Niskanen, K. Peterson: Cost-effective implementation of agri-environmental schemes for nutrient abatement and climate mitigation: A case study in the BalticSea region (Abstract #176). Presentation accepted for the Land Use and water Quality Conference 2019, Aarhus, Denmark.

·         Hasler, B, Czajkowski, M, Elofsson, K, Hansen, LB, Helin, J, Häggmark, T, Konrad, MTH, Nielsen, HØ, Niiskanen, O, Nõm- mann, T, Pedersen, AB, Petersen, K & Zagórska, K  2018: Farmers’ preferences for implementing agri-environmental schemes - a cross country study comparing Danish farmers choices of nutrient abatement contracts with countries around the Baltic sea. Presentation at the Danish Environmental Economic Conference, Skodsborg, Denmark.

·         Hasler, B, Czajkowski, M, Elofsson, K, Hansen, LB, Helin, J, Häggmark, T, Konrad, MTH, Nielsen, HØ, Niiskanen, O, Nõm- mann, T, Pedersen, AB, Petersen, K & Zagórska, K 2018, 'Exploring farmers' preferences for implementing agri-environmental schemes - a cross country study', Budapest, Hungary, 26/04/2018- 27/04/2018.

·         Hasler B. Farm experimental survey of agri-environmental volun- tary measures in countries around the Baltic. International Inter- disciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality – Effect of Agriculture on the Environment, 29 May – 1 June 2017, The Hague, The Netherlands

·         Hasler B, Ollikainen M, Elofsson K, Czajkowski M, Andersen HE, Peterson K, Nielsen HØ. BONUS GO4BALTIC – Coherent policies and governance of the Baltic Sea ecosystems. March 14 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk

·         Hasler B. Czajkowski, M, Elofsson, K, Hansen, LB, Helin, J, Häggmark, T, Konrad, MTH, Nielsen, HØ, Niiskanen, O, Nõm- mann, T, Peder-sen, AB, Petersen, K & Zagórska, K : Farm experimental survey of agri-environmental voluntary measures in countries around the Baltic. Paper presented at thematic Session on international waters, the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25th-29th June 2018, Gothenburg.

·         Hasler, B., Hansen, L. B., Konrad, M. T. H., Andersen, H. E., & Termansen, M. (2017). Spatial modelling integrating agricultural production, costs and hydrology for nitrogen policy assessments - a catchment approach. Presentation at the International Nitrogen Initiative Conference. Melbourne, December 2017.

·         Häggmark-Svensson, T. and Elofsson, K. The Impact of Water Quality Policies on Innovation in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Technology in Sweden. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25th-29th June 2018, Gothenburg.

·         Häggmark-Svensson, T. and Elofsson, K. The ex-post cost-effec- tiveness of nitrogen load reductions from nine countries to the Baltic Sea between 1996 and 2010. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25th-29th June 2018, Gothenburg.

·         Häggmark-Svensson, T. and Elofsson, K. The ex-post cost-effectiveness of nitrogen load reductions from nine countries to the Baltic Sea between 1996 and 2010. Paper presented at the second Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics workshop, 12-13 April 2018, Bergen.

·         Häggmark Svensson T, Elofsson K.The impact of water quality policies on innovation in nitrogen and phosphorus technology in Sweden .March 14 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Jansson T, Andersen HE, Gustafsson B, Hasler B, Höglind L.Im- pacts of “greening” on eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. How to in- crease utilization of nitrogen in manure - the Danish case. March 14 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Kosenius AK, Ollikainen M. Drivers of participation in gypsum treatment of fields as an innovation for water protection. March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Lötjönen S, Temmes E, Ollikainen M. GHG marginal abatement cost curves for Finnish agriculture in the case of multiple pollu- tants and in-terrelations. March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Lötjönen, S. & Ollikainen, M. Does Crop Rotation with Legumes Provide an Efficient Means to Reduce Nutrient Loads and GHG Emissions? International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality – Effect of Agriculture on the Environment, 29 May – 1 June 2017, The Hague, The Netherlands,

·         Lötjönen, S., Temmes, E. and Ollikainen, M. 2018. Dairy farm man- agement when nutrient runoff and climate emissions count. An- nual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 28-July 1 2017, Athens, Greece.

·         Lötjönen, S., Temmes, E. and Ollikainen, M. 2018. Dairy farm man- agement when nutrient runoff and climate emissions count. An- nual Conference of the European Association of Agricultural Econ- omists, August 28-September 1 2017, Parma, Italy.

·         Lötjönen, S., Temmes, E. and Ollikainen, M. 2018. Dairy farm man- agement when nutrient runoff and climate emissions count. The 3rd BONUS Symposium: Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use in the Baltic Sea region, 14−16 March 2018, Gdansk, Poland.

·         Lötjönen, S. & Ollikainen, M. Multiple pollutant cost-efficiency: co- herent water and climate policy for agriculture. The 3rd BONUS Symposium: Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use in the Baltic Sea region, 14−16 March 2018, Gdansk, Poland.

·         Nainggolan, D., Termansen, M., Andersen, H. E., Gyldenkærne, S., Thomsen, M., & Hasler, B. (2015). Modelling cost-effective strategies for managing trade-offs and synergies between water and climate regulation in the Baltic Sea region. Paper præsenteret ved 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Helsinki, Finland.

·         Nielsen HØ, Konrad M, Pedersen AB.Drivers of technology adop- tion at farm level in the Baltic region . March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk.

·         Niskanen O., A. Iho, L. Kalliovirta 2018 “Scenario for structural development of livestock production around the Bal- tic Sea” March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk

·         Ollikainen M, Ekholm P, Punttila E.  Gypsum treatment of fields: a cost-efficient measure for the Baltic Sea. March 15 Presentation at the BONUS final conference, Gdansk

·         Pavlova Y., L. Ahlvik 2018: “Game-theoretic analysis of Baltic Sea eutrophication: policy instruments for burden sharing of reduced eutrophication in the Baltic Sea” Presentation at the BO- NUS final conference, Gdansk

BONUS GO4BALTIC has produced a number of deliverables, which can be found in the list of deliverables, indicating the title and the responsible partner institution.

The public available deliverables can be downloaded here:

Towards the socioeconomic Baltc sea Action Plan, deliverable 5.7.

Least cost solutions for nitrogen load reductions, deliverable 1.5.

Proceedings, 3rd BONUS Symposium, Gdansk, deliverable 5.5.

Metadata, agricultural land use in the Baltic Sea region, deliverable 1.3.

Metadata, BONUS GO4BALTIC Farm survey, deliverable 1.2.

Revealed preferences Baltic Sea Governments, deliverable 2.1.

Low hanging fruits in eutrophication management, workshop Stockholm, deliverable 5.3.

Socioeconomic scenarios on nitrogen load and GHG reductions, deliverable 1.4.

Workshop Tallin, deliverable 5.2