Seminar on technology for green biorefining

Biorefining of grass and clover grass allows for a sustainable production of plant protein, which can replace imported soy products. At an online seminar on 3 December, Aarhus University presents research aimed at companies that want to work with green biorefining.

Photo: AU Foto

What can biorefining do for your company?

You can find out more on 3 December from 13-15, when Aarhus University Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO) hosts an online seminar. The seminar is free and open to all interested.

Research into the possibilities of producing protein from green crops through biorefining has intensified in recent years. Green crops are both productive and have very positive environmental and climate effects - for example, when green protein replaces soy.

Biorefining will thus contribute to fulfil environmental demands and, at the same time, to maintain a productive agricultural sector, which can meet future demands for a sustainable food supply.

The first commercial biorefinery plant has been established, and more are to come.

The technical seminar on 3 December will go in depth with the technical as well as the cultivation and environmental aspects of green biorefining.

The seminar follows a seminar on 17 November focusing on biorefining perspectives for European agricultural policy and with policy-makers as the main target group.

Read more about the seminar on 3 December here

Read more about the seminar on 17 November here


Uffe Jørgensen, head of Aarhus University Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO), - Phone: +45 21337831

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