INTENSE project publishes vision: How to mobilize marginal lands

The INTENSE project has published a vision on how to both intensify the production of biomass and preserve good soil quality in Europe.

INTENSE combines cropping and soil amendment experiments, precision agricultural and crop modeling tools, experimental biomass conversion to energy, assessment of greenhouse gas and nutrient emission and other environmental indicators, as well as socioeconomic models.

At the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) in Lisbon, the FACCE SURPLUS project INTENSE held a seminar with focus on preserving good soil quality together with intensified production of biomass.

At the seminar, the project team outlined a new vision for a sustainable increase of crop production through improved technical strategies, breeding and adapted management.  

In the vision, the authors conclude:

- The challenge is no longer simply to maximize productivity of a single crop, but to optimize farming across a far more complex landscape of production, environmental, and social outcomes. When agriculture thrives under the auspices of land-owners educated in sustainable land use, the potential of marginal lands will be unlocked and strengthened, and local stakeholders will defend their region from further degradationto establish economically sound management systems.  

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