Eight new projects elected for the FACCE SURPLUS 2nd call
The second FACCE SURPLUS call focuses on small-scale biorefineries. Eight new projects have now been recommended for funding in the frame of this call, and research will begin in the spring of 2018.

The second FACCE SURPLUS call focuses on small-scale biorefinery concepts and their potential role in enhancing the sustainability and productivity of EU agriculture, as well as their scope to benefit the rural economy.
In January 2017, FACCE SURPLUS launched the second call for transnational research projects on "Small-scale Biorefineries". The deadline for full proposal submission was July 2017 and in December 2017, eight projects were recommended for funding.
The research areas range from optimal use and valorization of biomass streams from Cichorium to biorefinering using halophyte species.
Eight excellent proposals
Twenty-one research projects were invited to submit a full proposal. The proposals were evaluated by a peer-review panel, balanced between academia representatives and stakeholders, in particular representatives from the industry.
- The evaluators estimated that a future interesting topic would be related to CO2 and nitrogen reduction, combatting low efficiency of food producing, and producing quality food with less input. Also, economic analysis and life cycle analysis should be more systematically applied in biorefinery concepts. The evaluators drew a ranking list of the proposals based on the H2020 criteria “Excellence”, “Impact” and “Implementation”, says Nicolas Tinois who is the FACCE SURPLUS project coordinator.
The funders followed the ranking list to recommend eight excellent proposals for funding.
- We expect these projects to improve the knowledge on small-scale biorefinery concepts and to progress towards higher technology readiness levels, says Nicolas Tinois.
The FACCE SURPLUS 2nd call research projects will be commonly kicked off in November 2018 in Germany, together with the common end-term meeting of the projects from the first call.