67 pre-proposals received by deadline
The deadline for pre-proposals to FACCE SURPLUS is passed, and the committee received a large number of proposals.

When the submission tool closed on wednesday March 4th a total of 67 pre-proposals had been submitted for the FACCE SURPLUS project. It is now up to the national evaluators to evaluate and check for eligibility.
Following this evaluation an agreement will be reached on who will be invited to submita full proposal. All full proposals are to be submitted by 9th September 2015. By January 2016 an agreement within the Steering Committee will be reached on the projects to be funded. A first additional joint call without EU funding might be launched already in 2017. The project runs for a total period of five years.
This submission of a pre-proposal is mandatory; it is not possible to enter the application procedure at a later stage. The information given in the pre-proposal will be used to check for eligibility, to evaluate the proposal and to find appropriate reviewers.
The core information provided in the pre-proposal will be automatically imported into the full proposal and cannot be changed in the second step.
Full proposals that are correctly and completely submitted before the deadline (01.09.2015, 14:00 CET) will be subjected to a peer review evaluation by a panel of international experts.
A list of the funded projects will be published at the end of the call process. Therefore applicants should be aware that the following information from the proposals may be published by FACCE-JPI for promotional purposes:
- Project Title and Project Acronym
- Duration of the project
- Total costs and total funding of the research project
- Organisation name and country of each partner
- Name of the Project Coordinator
- A short publishable summary of the project (will be requested for full proposal submission)
The scientific scope of the present call for proposals addresses collaborative projects in three research areas which are incorporated into three subthemes. Read them here