Aarhus University Seal

CSCW Workshop

Data-work in Healthcare

  • Challenges for Patients, Clinicians and Administrators

We hereby invite researchers to contribute to the theme of data-work in healthcare.

At CSCW´18, Saturday 3rd of November, New York, USA

With the wide adoption of information infrastructures in healthcare (IIH), citizens and healthcare professionals now carry out intensive ‘data work’ as part of their healthcare and self-management practices. For example, citizens use mobile apps to track personal health data for both formal and informal usages, clinicians rely on electronic health records (EHR) to document patient information, and hospital administrators use EHRs to generate data to monitor quality and efficiency of healthcare services. The creation, accumulation, management, and communication of data is increasingly central to patient work, clinical work, and management and governance of healthcare providers. To better understand data work in healthcare, this workshop aims to convene researchers from different disciplines to discuss data work performed among the entire ecosystem of clinical care delivery from patients to clinicians to administrators.

Call for papers

We call for submission of short position paper (2 -4 pages.) presenting a brief overview of the focus of work, along with a specific empirical case from research.

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Important dates:

Submission: September 21, 2018,  October 12, 2018

Notification: September 28, 2018, October 19, 2018