WP1: Cluster 1-Aerosol and Cloud Microphysics: Design, monitoring, and synthesis.
Leads: Athanasios Nenes (FORTH), Mira Pöhlker (TROPOS)
WP2: Cluster 1- CleanCloud coordinated field studies.
Leads: Kostas Eleftheriadis (NCSR-D), Henrik Skov (AU)
WP3: Cluster 1-Long Term and Large-Scale data collection and analysis.
Leads: Patric Seifert (TROPOS)
WP4: Cluster 1-Case studies and modelling.
Leads: Anna Possner (GUF), Daniel Partridge (UNIEXE)
WP5: Cluster 1-Laboratory and in-situ characterization of CCN and INP.
Leads: Merete Bilde (AU), Spyros Pandis (FORTH)
WP6: Cluster 2-Convective systems and extreme events - Design, monitoring, and synthesis.
Leads: Johannes Quaas (ULEI), Phillip Stier (UOXF)
WP7: Cluster 2-Preparation of models and observational simulators.
Leads: Annica Ekman (SU)
WP8: Cluster 2-Observational constraints and sensitivity to aerosol concentrations.
Leads: Otto Hasekamp (SRON)
WP9: Cluster 2-Climate implications of convective systems in the post-fossil era.
Leads: Ulrike Lohmann (ETHZ)
WP10: Cluster 3-Seasonal to decadal projections: Design, monitoring, and synthesis.
Leads: Corinna Hoose (KIT), Nicolas Bellouin (IPSL)
WP11: Cluster 3-Towards post-fossil regime models.
Leads: Bjørn Samset (CICERO)
WP12: Cluster 3-Seasonal-to-decadal analyses of post-fossil regime.
Leads: Tomi Raatkainen (FMI)
WP13: Cluster 3-Climate implications of the global post-fossil regime.
Leads: Laura Wilcox (UREAD)
WP14: Data tools and Community Engagement.
Leads: Andreas Massling (AU), Otto Hasekamp (SRON)
WP15: Synergy, synthesis and CleanCloud Legacy.
Leads: Stefano Desecari (CNR), Ulrike Lohmann (ETHZ)
WP16: Outreach and Dissemination.
Leads: Marina Papageorgiou (CYI), Heidi Katrine Bang (CICERO)
WP17: Management and Coordination.
Leads: Ulas Im (AU), Athanasios Nenes (FORTH)