Aarhus University Seal

Work package 7

Description of work

BONUS BALTHEALTH will be managed by a coordination team, composed of the project coordinator and his vice, and a project secretary, a dissemination coordinator and his vice, and a scientific Steering Group, representing all partners.


WP7.1 Internal coordination, communication and management: The coordination team will secure the timely management of BONUS BALTHEALTH’s milestones and deliverables, by establishing an intranet communication forum, organising quarterly online meetings among the Steering Group members, as well as annual project workshops in order to present and discuss the progress of and stimulate coordination between WPs.


WP7.2 External communication: The Steering Group, representing expertise in BONUS BALTHEALTH’s different disciplines, will convene annually with relevant stakeholders and end-users, such as HELCOM, ASCOBANS, ICES and REACH, at times when these hold management events. The role of these external collaborators and governmental and international management bodies is to provide external expert advice on the focus and output, and their applicability to their own needs and focus. In addition, the stakeholders and end-users will be invited to BONUS BALTHEALTH’s annual workshops. Contacts with their representatives will be established at the onset of the project, and they will be informed half-yearly of BONUS BALTHEALTH’s progress through newsletters. Early involvement of industrial organisations and chemical fora will be aimed at to promote dialogue between academic research and industrial development, and to timely meet the screening of new candidate AHS.


WP7.3 Education: Education of early career scientists will be achieved by exchange of PhD students and post-docs among the different partners, as well as stimulating their involvement in WP coordination. Moreover, the early career scientists will take on specialised courses, and will organise webinars, workshops and a summer school on the knowledge gained over the course of the project. For example, UBA runs a course in regulatory risk assessment in marine environments.


WP7.4 Outreach: Exhibitions, educational programs for schools, seminars and webinars, as well as leaflets for the public and stakeholders will be produced with presentations about the outcome of the project. A book for the public will be produced to be disseminated by HELCOM. Likewise, popular mini-documentaries, reporting on the different facets and their progress within BONUS BALTHEALTH will be released through popular streaming websites.