Aarhus University Seal

Work package 3

Description of work


WP3.1 Compose a chemical database: We will compose, both for restricted and unrestricted AHSs, a database including physicochemical properties as well as country-specific production volumes and timing of legislation. This database will be based on grey literature, such as reports from chemical fora and work groups, and will provide input for WP3.3-4 and 6.


WP3.2 Fill relevant data gaps on AHS exposure: Based on WP1’s meta-database we will identify data and knowledge gaps on AHSs concentrations in key ecological and commercial species (as suggested by WP2). Depending on this, further field sampling or mere analysis of existing biobanked samples will be undertaken. Using accredited mass spectrometry (MS) coupled to gas (GC) or liquid chromatography methods lipophilic compounds, e.g. POPs and FRs, will be analysed in lipid-rich tissues, while less lipophilic compounds, e.g. Hg and PFASs, will be analysed in liver or muscle using routine GC and Inductively coupled plasma MS. The output of this WP will provide input for WP3.3-4, 4 and 6. In order to secure that all partners in BONUS BALTHEALTH can access data an FTP site is to be set-up.


WP3.3 Screen for potential emerging AHSs: Candidate compounds for this work package are unrestricted FRs and PFASs used as alternatives for those already restricted, as well as substances prioritised by the Water Framework Directive for which Environmental Quality Standards have been set. A broad non-target screening for AHSs detectable in predators and their prey, thus showing bioaccumulation, will be conducted with state-of-the-art high resolution MS, and their environmental behaviour will be evaluated using the output of WP3.4. Specific substances with high bioaccumulative potential will be prioritised for further investigations in WP3.4, 4 and 6.


WP3.4 Model food web dynamics of AHSs: The output from WP2 and WP3.1-3 will be employed to estimate compound-specific bioconcentration (BCFs), bioaccumulation (BAFs), biomagnification (BMFs) and trophic magnification factors (TMFs), as well as to model the sensitivity of the Baltic food web cycling of AHSs with respect to key ecological and commercial species, with special attention to their spatiotemporal dynamics, compound-specific physicochemical properties, and abiotic conditions. The output of this WP will provide benchmarks for compounds delivered by WP3.3 as well as input for WP4 and 6.