Aarhus University Seal

Project Publications: Scientific

Journal article: Imagine No Diaspora: Reading Jewish Literature in Greek as Migrant Literature (Eelco Glas)

Mnemosyne (forthcoming). Accepted for publication/in press. 

Journal article: Vivid Representation and Victims of Forced Displacement in Jewish Literature in Greek (Eelco Glas)

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 79/1 (2025), 81-111. In press.

Journal article: Introduction: Mobility and Identity Formation in Ancient Judaism (Eelco Glas and Rosanne Liebermann)

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 79/1 (2025), 1-16. In press.

Special Issue: Mobility and Identity Formation in Ancient Judaism (ed. Rosanne Liebermann and Eelco Glas)

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 79/1 (2025). In press. With contributions from C.L. Crouch, Jonathan Stökl, Rosanne Liebermann, and Eelco Glas. 

Special issue: Travel and Transformation in Early Judaism (ed. Elisa Uusimäki and Jesper Høgenhaven)

Dead Sea Discoveries 31/3 (2024).

Special issue: Travel and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean (ed. Elisa Uusimäki, Eelco Glas and R. Gillian Glass)

Religions 15/10 2024-2025. Religions | Special Issue : Travel and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean

Journal article: In Search of Ancient Travel Writers: Studies on Sources, Identities and Social Locations (Elisa Uusimäki, R. Gillian Glass and Christian Djurslev)

Mnemosyne. Accepted for publication.

Journal article: Memories of Mixed Marriage: Female Mobility and Subaltern Agency in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (Elisa Uusimäki)

Die Welt des Orients 54/2 (2024): 291-307.

Journal article: Early Jewish Perspectives on Travel(ling) Texts and Transformation (Elisa Uusimäki and Jesper Høgenhaven)

Dead Sea Discoveries 31/3 (2024): 251-265. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685179-bja10063

Journal article:
Ancient Travellers, Intercultural Contact, and the Fear of Gods (Elisa Uusimäki)

Religions 15/4 (2024): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15040452

Journal article: Authority from the Back of Beyond: Cosmic Travel as Rhetorical Strategy across the Myth of Er, the Book of the Watchers, and the Dream of Scipio (R. Gillian Glass)

Religions 15/10 (2024):1161. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15101161

Journal article:
Travel and Hospitality in Josephus' Representation of the Essene Community (Judaean War 2.124–127) and its Literary and Cultural Contexts (Eelco Glas and Gillian Glass)

Dead Sea Discoveries 31 (2024): 329–354. (Online Publication Date: 21 October 2024.) https://doi.org/10.1163/15685179-bja10055

Journal article: De 'andere' ander: Philo van Alexandrië over de Egyptenaren in zijn historische werken (Eelco Glas)

Groniek 237 (2024): 19-34. Groniek nummer 237: ‘De Ander’ is uit! | Groniek (in Dutch)

Journal article:
Protestanttinen raamatuntutkimus ja antisemitismi (Anna-Liisa Rafael and Elisa Uusimäki)

Teologinen Aikakauskirja 129/1 (2024): 95-104. https://doi.org/10.62442/ta.143537

Journal article:
Travel and the Making of a Pseudepigraphal Hero in Ancient Jewish and Early Christian Literature  (Elisa Uusimäki and Miriam DeCock)

Early Christianity 14/4 (2023): 462-476. DOI: 10.1628/ec-2023-0031

Journal article:
Travel and Anxiety in Early Jewish Literature (Elisa Uusimäki)

Journal of Biblical Literature 142/3 (2023): 471-491. Online: https://doi.org/10.15699/jbl.1423.2023.6

Journal article:
An Intersectional Perspective on Female Mobility in the Hebrew Bible (Elisa Uusimäki)

Vetus Testamentum 72/4-5 (2022): 745-768. Online: https://brill.com/view/journals/vt/72/4-5/article-p745_13.xml

Book chapter: Migration and Diaspora in the Book of Esther (Frederik Poulsen and Elisa Uusimäki)

In: Esther: Themes and Issues. Ed. Kristin Joachimsen & Helge Bezold, PAGES TBA. Themes and Issues in Biblical Studies. Sheffield: Equinox, in press.

Book chapter: Inverted Pathways to Power: Heavenly Knowledge and Authority in the Book of the Watchers and Aseneth (R. Gillian Glass)

In: The Bloomsbury Handbook on Religion, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient Near East. Eds. Shawna Dolansky & Sarah Shectman, pages TBD. London: Bloomsbury, 2025.

Book chapter: The Road to En-Dor: Saul’s Journey as a Knowledge-Finding Mission (Elisa Uusimäki)

In: Explorations in the Interpretation of Samuel: Intertextuality and Reception. Ed. Rachelle Gilmour & Benjamin J. M. Johnson, 155-165. Studies of the Bible and Its Reception 26. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2025.

Book chapter: Analepsis, Prolepsis, and Eschatology in 2 Maccabees: That Was Now, This Is Then (R. Gillian Glass)

In: Prolepsis in Ancient Greek Narrative. Definitions, Forms and Effects. The Language of Classical Literature 40. Eds. Saskia Schomber & Aldo Tagliabue, 115-141. Leiden: Brill, 2025.

Book chapter: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Josephus' Writings (Eelco Glas and Pieter B. Hartog)

In: The Oxford Handbook of Josephus. Ed. Kenneth R. Atkinson, pages TBD. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025. 

Book chapter: Josephus (Eelco Glas)

In: T&T Clark Handbook of Hellenistic Jewish Literature in Greek. Ed. Marieke Dhont, pages TBD. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2025. 

Book chapter:
Sacred Travel and Transformation beyond the “Heroic Quest” Paradigm (Elisa Uusimäki)

In: Pilgrims in Place, Pilgrims in Motion: Sacred Travel in the Ancient Mediterranean. Ed. Anna Collar & Troels Myrup Kristensen, 277-282. Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity XV. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2024.

Book chapter:
Following Vespasian in His Footsteps: Movement and (E)motion Management in Josephus’ Judean War (Eelco Glas)

In: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Travel Experiencee: 3rd century BCE – 8th century CE, 161-179. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – Tension, Transmission, Transformation 16. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023. Online: https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110717488/html?lang=en 

Book chapter:
Plagues, Withdrawal, and Wayfaring in the Hebrew Bible (Elisa Uusimäki)

In: Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises: Isolation, Survival, and #Covidchaos, ed. Sravana Borkataky-Varma, Christian A. Eberhart & Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, 131-143. Routledge Studies in Religion. London: Routledge, 2023.

Book review: Representing the Dynasty in Flavian Rome: The Case of Josephus' Jewish War, by Jonathgan Davies (Eelco Glas)

Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada. Accepted for publication.

Book review: THE STUDY OF ANCIENT JUDAISM - (R.) Bloch Ancient Jewish Diaspora. Essays on Hellenism (Eelco Glas)

The Classical Review, First View, pp. 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X25000538

Book review: Review of Bibelens kvinder, by Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen (Elisa Uusimäki)

Dansk Teologisk Tidskrift 87/4 (2024): 317-318.

Book review:
Review of Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean, by Sara Parks, Shayna Sheinfeld and Meredith J. C. Warren; and of An Introduction to Early Judaism: Second Edition, by James C. VanderKam (Elisa Uusimäki)

Revue de Qumran 35/1 (2023): 153-156.