Aarhus University Seal

Associated Publications

Monograph Contract: Disquieting Aseneth. Romance, Reception & Rape Culture in Second Temple Jewish Literature (R. Gillian Glass)

Book under contract with Routledge for their series Rape Culture, Religion, and the Bible. Book proposal peer reviewed and approved in November 2024. Manuscript submission deadline August 2026.

Monograph: Fashioning the Self in Flavian Rome: A Historiographical Analysis of Autobiographical Discourse in Josephus’ Judaean War (Eelco Glas)

Historiography of Rome and Its Empire 19. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Flavius Josephus' Self-Characterisation in First-Century Rome – A Historiographical Analysis of Autobiographical Discourse in the Judaean War | Brill

Blog Post:
"Mediterranean Flows: Tracing Ancient and Contemporary Mobility on Zoom" (Elisa Uusimäki)

A blog post in the "FREEDOM TO THINK! HCAS blog"

Journal Article:
"Introduction: Views on the Mediterranean" (Pieter Hartog & Elisa Uusimäki)

NTT - Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 75/2 (2021): 153-160. Co-authored by Pieter B. Hartog & Elisa Uusimäki.

Theme Issue:
"Views on the Mediterranean" (ed. Pieter Hartog & Elisa Uusimäki)

Theme Issue: Views on the Mediterranean. Edited by Pieter B. Hartog and Elisa Uusimäki. NTT - Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 75/2 (2021). Online: https://www.aup-online.com/content/journals/25426583/75/2