Aarhus University Seal


Elisa Uusimäki, the PI of the project, works on the literary and cultural history of Judaism in antiquity. Her areas of expertise include wisdom and ethics, lived ancient religion, travel and cultural interaction, gender and intersectionality, early biblical interpretation, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Hellenistic Judaism. In the context of ANINAN, Uusimäki works on several aspects of spatial movement in the ancient world, including travel as both a literary motif and a social practice. She is currently completing a monograph on female travellers in the ancient Jewish tradition.

Anat Shapiro, a PhD candidate from Tel Aviv, joined the project in September 2021 and has written a thesis, which is currently under examination, on the freedom of movement in the book of Jonah. Lasse Løvlund Toft and Miriam DeCock conducted short periods of postdoctoral research related to the reception history of biblical travel narratives in ANINAN before acquiring academic positions at the University of Oslo and Dublin City University, respectively. Eelco Glas and Rivkah Gillian Glass joined the project as postdoctoral researchers in January 2023. Glas works on Jewish migrant authors (such as Josephus, Philo and Paul) in the Greco-Roman world, whereas Glass explores conceptions of travel and the symbolic potential of travel motifs in Hellenistic Jewish novels and related literature from the ancient Mediterranean.

In addition to the core team, Rosanne Liebermann, a specialist in forced migrations in the ancient Near East, is an associate member of ANINAN.

Elisa Uusimäki

Professor School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject