Aarhus University Seal


SEGES Innovation

SEGES Innovation is one of the participants of the amoA project. An important task of Seges’ crop experts is to provide farmers and their advisors the latest knowledge of fertilisation and plant production systems. The aim of SEGES Innovation in the amoA project is to achieve and provide knowledge of the use of nitrification inhibitors in plant production. SEGES Innovation will in 2024 and 2025 implement field trial studies to get improved knowledge of how the use of different types of nitrification inhibitors effects the climatic impact and the fertilisation efficiency of livestock manure under practical growth conditions. With SEGES’ close connection to the advisory system and to farmers, knowledge gained in the project can be quickly shared and implemented at farm level. The field trial experimental plots provided by SEGES acts at the same time as experimental plots for other participants of the project to improve their knowledges of potential side effects of nitrification inhibitors under practical growth conditions.  

Cecilie Skov Nielsen, cesn@seges.dk

Kristian Furdal Nielsen, SEGES, kfur@seges.dk