Aarhus University Seal


rethinkIMPACTS 2017 has already carried out audience studies at a number of Aarhus 2017 events. During data collection at these events, the volunteers have been a huge help, and have approached the task with great enthusiasm and commitment.

"A really good experience"

The overall impression among the volunteers is that overall, it is "a really good experience” to participate as a voluntary data collector, because "there’s a positive atmosphere", and the participants at the events are generally "happy and friendly and accommodating".

"It was great to talk to people who were excited about what they were going to experience, and their excitement was infectious. During the data collection, I felt that I was in the midst of the enthusiasm for Aarhus 2017."

Mariane, age 71, data collector at Befri Gudstjenesten and Pixel-Collage

"I volunteered because I love to talk to people. Whether I'm outside in a stiff gale or inside a warm room, it’s just as fun, but in different ways! An extra bonus was also that on both occasions, I had the chance to experience the actual event."

Inge, age 61, data collector at Befri Gudstjenesten and Århundredets Festival

Academic benefit
Many of the volunteers are students from a wide variety of degree programmes. All of them viewed volunteering as data collectors for rethinkIMPACTS 2017 as a good opportunity to gain valuable practical experience while also experiencing Aarhus 2017 in a different way.

“rethinkIMPACTS 2017 makes it possible to learn more about the project while at the same time working together to help improve the European Capital of Culture year. It’s not just pure statistics, it's involvement and development. That being said, as a political scientist it’s also always fun to look behind the figures that we normally deal with – it provides a broader and better understanding of the figures."

Tao, age 23, BA student (AU), data collector at the opening of Aarhus 2017