Recent, various news media have demonstrated renewed interest in the research-based evaluation of European Capital of Culture – Aarhus 2017.
In this regard, Louise Ejgod Hansen, Project and Research Manager of rethinkIMPACTS 2017, has been commenting on different aspects of Aarhus 2017.
For example in the recent Danish radio programme ‘Europe right now: Aarhus rethinks the European Capital of Culture’, which was broadcasted on 20 August 2017. Among others, Aarhus 2017 Programme Coordinator Trine Bang participated as well. In addition, Louise Ejgod Hansen was quoted by the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in an article (25 August 2017) about young Aarhus residents’ expectations of Aarhus 2017.
She was also one of five observers who were asked to take a critical retrospective look on Aarhus’ first eight months as the European Capital of Culture. This article, which was published in the 20 August 2017 edition of Jyllands-Posten, is unfortunately not available online. rethinkIMPACTS 2017 also participated in a review of Aarhus 2017 in a story by the local television channel TV2 Østjylland.
There has also been a more general interest in the approach to evaluation adopted by rethinkIMPACTS 2017, which was presented at the Local Government Denmark (LGDK) conference on recreation and culture in May, and figured in the conference publication Virker det? Debatoplæg om effekter og værdier i en ny kommunal virkelighed (Does it work? A discussion paper on effects and values in a new municipal reality).