Aarhus University Seal

AU is an active partner in 11 strategic projects

In the middle of June Aarhus 2017 granted money to 44 strategic projects that all relate to the theme rethink. Aarhus University is an active partner in 11 of these projects.

This first programme round reflects that Aarhus University is a part of creating the projects that inhabitants of Aarhus and the region as well as visitors will experience until and throughout 2017.

The 11 projects that Aarhus University is a part of will amongst other things concentrate on a digital project that will develop a digital strategy for cultural communication and the project Aarhus 2017 Academy, which shall uplift the creative and cultural sector.

Throughout the next years there will continuously be projects where Aarhus University will be an active partner.

You can read about the 11 projects that Aarhus University is a part of here