Postdoc Workshop
If you are interested in developing a Postdoc project in relation to Aarhus 2017 and the research opportunities within the frames of rethinkIMPACTS 2017, we would like to invite you to a workshop aiming at strengthening and developing the your project.
Info about event
Aarhus University, bldg. 1586, room 114

The workshop will be an opportunity to learn more about the research perspectives within rethinkIMPACTS 2017 and to get feedback on your own project. Project and research manager Louise Ejgod as well as experienced funding advisors will be present. The workshop will focus on the development of the projects and not on funding opportunities.
Registration by mail to Katrine Solvang before Monday the 24th at noon.
Together with the registration, you will have to submit a project proposal of minimum 1 page.