Aarhus University Seal


November 2023

Workshop “Integrating Histories of Development” at the University of Shanghai (funded by the University of Shanghai and others).

August 2024

Discussion panel “Integrating Competing Narratives of Development” at the World Congress of Environmental History, 19–23 August, Oulu, Finland (panel accepted).

Winter 2024

1-week research stay in Malaysia by the applicant to prepare for research cooperation and a cooperative research proposal.

December 2024

Deadline for manuscripts submission for a Special Issue “Global fat resources: Connecting themes, approaches and narratives, ca. 1850–2022” in the journal Global Environment.

June 2025

Envisaged publication of DeGruyter Yearbook for the History of Global Development with the title “Negotiating contradictory histories of global development”.

Autumn 2025

Grant application by the applicant for the project “Meanings of sustainability: European global plant oil interests, 1890–2020”.

Obtober 2025

Envisaged publication of Special Issue “Global fat resources: Connecting themes, approaches and narratives, ca. 1850-2022”.

Autumn 2025

Final workshop at Aarhus University organized by the Centre for Science Studies. This conference serves to discuss and further develop a collaborative edited publication with the title “Towards sustainability of global resources, fair trade and global justice? Experiences, challenges and narratives of transformation” that is based on preceding conference panel contributions and additional contributions to this workshop.