Aarhus University Seal


Climate change, rising resource competition and global inequality pose tremendous challenges to contemporary societies around the globe and urgently require fundamental processes of transformation to sustainable practices and global justice. Historical research contributes valuable knowledge about the complexities, conflicts and impediments of such transformation as well as experiences of successful cases and best practices. The problem fields in question – sustainable development, resource security and global justice – are closely linked, but research mostly neglects these links. In addition, perspectives of the Global South and the Global North need to be negotiated and developed together.

The project has the scope to investigate cases and analyse experiences, challenges, impediments and best practices of transformation. Emphasis is on integrating scholars of the Global South in scholarly discussion and research and overcoming methodological challenges to the envisaged research. These include: (1) to integrate historical research approaches on global resources, environmental and climate change and global justice and (2) to investigate, discuss and aim at better integrating diverging positive and negative narratives of global (sustainable) development in the context of (neo) colonialism, global inequality, and global resource dependencies.

The project is part of the Tensions of Europe international Research Group Technology, Environment and Resources and organizes collaborative conference panels, conferences and activities involving scholars of different disciplines from the Global North and the Global South.


Research project financed by the Aarhus University Research Foundation