Aarhus University Seal

Michelle Bastian

Background and research areas

Michelle Bastian is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Humanities at the Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh and an Associate Professor II at the University of Oslo in the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities. Her work crosses critical time studies and environmental humanities, with a focus on the role of time in human and more-than-human communities. She is Editor-in-Chief for Time & Society (SAGE) and a co-editor of a number of collections including; The Social Life of Time (Time & Society), Field Philosophy and Other Experiments (Parallax) and Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds (Routledge). Michelle has recent publications in Environment and Planning E, Environmental Humanities and GeoHumanities. From 2021-2022, Michelle was a Mid-Career Fellow supported by the Independent Social Research Fund, looking at the scientific study of seasonal lifecycle events (phenology) and how it could contribute to work in the environmental humanities.

Read more about Michelle Bastian and her research here