Aarhus University Seal

Aerosol Journals

The Nordic Society for Aerosol Research supports the diamond open-access journal Aerosol Research. Diamond open-access implies that it is free to publish in the journal and free to read the journal. This is only possible due to the financial support of the European Aerosol Assembly (EAA) membering associations.

Aerosol Research covers the full breadth of aerosol science and technology:

  • Aerosol technology (AT)
  • Atmospheric aerosols (AAs)
  • Aerosol measurements and instrumentation (AMI)
  • Aerosols and health (AH)
  • Fundamental aerosol research (FAR)

For more information of the specific topics see the Aerosol Research editorial piece: https://ar.copernicus.org/articles/1/13/2023/

For further information see the Aerosol Research webpage: https://www.aerosol-research.net/.