1. NordicWelfAir official homepage: NordicWelfAir.au.dk
2. Press release: ”AU-forskning skal finde sammenhængen mellem luftforurening, sundhed og velfærd i hele Norden”. August 24, 2015. http://envs.au.dk/aktuelt/nyhed/artikel/au-forskning-skal-finde-sammenhaengen-mellem-luftforurening-sundhed-og-velfaerd-i-hele-norden/
3. Videnskab.dk ” Nyt projekt skal undersøge luftforureningen i Norden” 24/8, 2015. http://videnskab.dk/kort-nyt/nyt-projekt-skal-undersoge-luftforureningen-i-norden
4. ”NordForsk-projekt skal finde sammenhængen mellem luftforurening og sundhed og velfærd i Norden”, August 24, 2015. http://www.nordforsk.org/no/news/nordforsk-projekt-skal-finde-sammenhaengen-mellem-luftforurening-sunhed-og-vaelfaerd-i-norden
5. Press release: ”Forskare undersöker sambandet mellan luftföroreningar, hälsa och välfärd”, October 30, 2015. http://ivl.se/press/nyheter/pressmeddelande/forskareundersokersambandetmellanluftfororeningarhalsaochvalfard.5.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b8052.html
6. Press release: Forskare undersöker sambandet mellan luftföroreningar, hälsa och välfärd. http://www.smhi.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/forskare-undersoker-sambandet-mellan-luftfororeningar-halsa-och-valfard-1.95568
7. Forskare undersöker sambandet mellan luftföroreningar, hälsa och välfärd. http://www.infrasverige.se/vag/forskare-undersoker-sambandet-mellan-luftfororeningar-halsa-och-valfard
8. Relationship between air pollution, health and welfare will now be researched. http://www.smhi.se/en/research/research-news/relationship-between-air-pollution-health-and-welfare-will-now-be-researched-1.96039
9. Luftföroreningar, hälsa och välfärd. http://www.slussen.biz/newsPlain.aspx?newNewID=30452
10. Understanding the link between Air pollution and Distribution of related Health Impacts and Welfare in the Nordic countries (NordicWelfAir). http://www.syke.fi/en-US/Research__Development/Research_and_development_projects/Projects/Understanding_the_link_between_Air_pollution_and_Distribution_of_related_Health_Impacts_and_Welfare_in_the_Nordic_countries_NordicWelfAir/Understanding_the_link_between_Air_pollu(34127)
11. The connection between air pollution, health and welfare. http://www.ivl.se/english/startpage/pages/current-research/research-projects/air/the-connection-between-air-pollution-health-and-welfare.html
12. Nordic WelfAir. http://ssf.hi.is/frettir/2015_10_09/nordic_welfair
13. A paper on street dust has been published in the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat: http://www.hs.fi/paakirjoitukset/a1462247293046 By Professor Jaakko Kukkonen, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Senior Research Scientist, Kaarle Kupiainen, Finnish Environment Institute.
14. - Story on “First comprehensive estimation of particle number concentrations carried out in five European cities and for the whole of Europe” has been published in ScienceDaily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160418092050.htm
15. “Vedvarende energi sparer samfundet milliarder”. OrganicToday. http://www.organictoday.dk/vedvarende-energi-sparer-samfundet-milliarder/, March 3rd, 2016.
16. ”Ny model viser, hvor brændeovne gør mest skade”, Ingeniøren, http://ing.dk/artikel/ny-model-viser-hvor-braendeovne-goer-mest-skade-182656, March 3rd, 2016.
17. Science News on “First comprehensive estimation of particle number concentrations carried out in five European cities and for the whole of Europe” has been published in ScienceDaily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160418092050.htm based on materials disseminated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
18. A paper on street dust has been published in the Finnish newspaper (nationally the largest circulation newspaper) Helsingin Sanomat: (http://www.hs.fi/paakirjoitukset/a1462247293046) by Jaakko Kukkonen, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Kaarle Kupiainen, Finnish Environment Institute.
19. Press Release by the FMI: “An accurate inventory of ship traffic emissions for the European sea areas.” http://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/press-release/176083447 (in English) and http://ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/tiedote/176083432 (in Finnish).
20. FMI Science News: “An urban modelling system containing the CAR-FMI model was successfully evaluated against three measurement campaigns in London and Birmingham. Good results add more confidence to the application of the CAR-FMI model internationally.” http://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/science-news-archive.
21. Impact on air pollution of shorter period allowed for using fireworks in Denmark (In Danish: For tre år siden blev fyrværkeri begrænset til fem dage - hvilken forskel har det gjort?) – interview by journalist Alexandra Justice Berlingske Tidende, 27 December 2017. www.b.dk/nationalt/for-tre-aar-siden-blev-fyrvaerkeri-begraenset-til-fem-dage-hvilken-forskel-har
22. Will it have an effect to abandon diesel engines in Aarhus as suggested by the Socialist Folkparty (SF)? Interview to the regional news on TV2 Mid-West in Aarhus 14/10 2017.
23. Will a fomula-1 race lead to significant pollution in Copenhagen? (In Danish: Vil et formel-1 løb I København svine?) interview by journalist Thomas Lund Hansen, Jyllandsposten 30. August 2017.
24. Environmental swindle on the roads has to cost (In Danish: Miljøsvindel på vejene skal kost kassen), Interview with journalist Lars From, Jyllandsposten, 28 July 2017.
25. News at the Finnish television, 21.11.2018. Interview of Jaakko Kukkonen on “The impacts of wind-land fires on climate change, human health and biodiversity”. areena.yle.fi/1-4257132
26. “The Roles of Environment and Technology on Health”, Lecture series, Tampere University, 2018, two lectures by Prof. Jaakko Kukkonen, each 45 min and discussion on ”Air pollution and its impacts on health”.
27. Air Pollution Prevention Society, The national congress on air pollution prevention and climate issues in Finland, 21.-22. August, 2018. Invited presentation by Prof. Jaakko Kukkonen: ”The changes of air quality over four decades, on scales from global to local”. The event steadily gathers around 150 national experts from government, research, industry and business.
28. Air Pollution Prevention Society, The national congress on air pollution prevention and climate issues in Finland, 21.-22. August, 2018. Effect of ship sulphur emission reduction to climate forcing and health, Research professor Mikhail Sofiev.
29. Air Pollution Prevention Society, The national congress on air pollution prevention and climate issues in Finland, 21.-22. August, 2018. Skrubberin toiminta teoriassa ja käytännössä (The functioning of a scrubber in theory and practice), Dr. Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen
30. Radio show Swedish public radio P4 Kalmar. Interview (Camilla Andersson) regarding Saharan dust deposition at Öland in Sweden. Nov 2, 2018.
31. Interview (Camilla Andersson) by Peter Holmström, Ölandsbladet, regarding Saharan dust sedimentation on Öland, Nov 2, 2018.
32. Radio show Swedish public radio P4 Kristianstad. Interview (Camilla Andersson) regarding small scale wood combustion. Sept 22, 2017.
33. Interview (Camilla Andersson) in FORMAS paper EXTRACT on health impacts of small scale wood combustion by Catherine Beijer. http://www.extrakt.se/miljogifter-och-kemikalier/sa-undviker-du-farliga-partiklar-nar-du-eldar/. A spin-off in the FORMAS digital Advent Calendar, on Dec 1 http://www.formas.se/sv/Julkalender/jul-01/
34. Interview (Prof. Ole Hertel, Aarhus University), Luftforurening korter i vores livslængde, https://www.naturli.dk/artikel/tager-du-dine-forholdsregler-ift-luftforurening/
35. Every year up to 800,000 Europeans die prematurely due to air pollution concludes a new German study (In Danish: ”Hvert år dør op imod 800.000 europæere for tidligt på grund af luftforurening, konkluderer en ny tysk undersøgelse”). Interview by Journalist Emilie Marie Niebuhr Aagaard DR Danish national TV and Radio. 12. March 2019. https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/klima/nye-tal-luftforurening-slaar-dobbelt-saa-mange-ihjel-som-forskerne-troede
36. Despite the governments climate action plan: wood stoves in the country will (still) pollute more than traffic (In Danish: Trods regeringens klimaplan: Landets brændeovne vil (stadig) forurene mere end biltrafikken) interview by journalist Helene Kristine Holst Berlingske Tidende, 9. Oct. 2018. http://woview.infomedia.dk.ez.statsbiblioteket.dk:2048/?url=https://www.berlingske.dk/politik/trods-regeringens-klimaplan-landets-braendeovne-vil-stadig-forurene-mere&OpointData=30520a7f11e917c00c675213697e408dJmlkX3NpdGU9MTIxJmlkX2FydGljbGU9NzM0MDc3JmlkX3VzZXI9Mjg0MCZpZF9hcHBsaWNhdGlvbj0xMDAwMzU5Jmxhbmc9ZW4=
37. Air Pollution shortens our lifetime (In Danish: Luftforurening forkorter vores levetid) interview with journalist student Freja Fredsted Dumont in internet page for the Magasin “Naturli”, 2. October 2018. www.naturli.dk/artikel/tager-du-dine-forholdsregler-ift-luftforurening/
38. Denmark avoids air pollution from Swedish forest fires (In Danish: Danmark slipper umiddelbart for luftforurening fra svenske skovbrande) interview with journalist Kim Rathcke Jensen internet page of the Danish National TV DR, 24. July 2018, https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/klima/danmark-slipper-umiddelbart-luftforurening-fra-svenske-skovbrande
39. Did you know? The air is more polluted in your home than outside (In Danish:”Vidste du det? Luften er mere forurenet i dit hjem end udenfor”. Interview for Regional TV2 Lorry by Journalist Michael Ankerstjerne 21. May 2018.
40. WHO has written a new report on health effects of air pollution, and points at the many casualties in 3rd world countries. Why is this the case? – interviewed by Journalist Cecilie Lange DR P3 News, 2. May 2018.
41. SMHI published a news article on the world environment day, https://www.smhi.se/nyhetsarkiv/varldsmiljodag-med-fokus-pa-luftfororeningar-1.148712
42. Midt i corona-krisen er der også håb: Færre vil sandsynligvis dø af luftforurening. Jyllandsposten. 19/3-2020.
43. Professor: Færre vil dø af luftforurening på grund af coronavirus. Midtjyllands Avis. 19/3-2020.