Invitation to the 13th NORBARAG meeting 23–25 March 2022 in Zoom
Please register no later than Friday, 4th March 2022

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 13th NORBARAG meeting 23–25 March 2022, which will be held in Zoom.
Programme by subgroup: Fungicide subgroup NEW!; Herbicide subgroup; Insecticide subgroup
The meeting will cover different aspects of pesticide resistance, especially, in the light of spreading resistance among pathogens, pests and weeds. Discussion will take place in three sub-groups (fungicides – 23.03.2022, herbicides – 24.03.2022, and insecticides- 25.03.2022). Each sub-group will have presentations on their own day, the planned starting time is 9.00 a.m., UTC+1.
Topics include:
- Resistance screening and monitoring
- Resistance risk assessment and management
- Resistance management guidelines for the growers
- New products on the market
- Harmonization of the pesticide efficacy evaluation procedures and pesticide label
We kindly ask representatives from research institutes in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden who are involved in pesticide resistance research and pesticide efficacy evaluation and representatives of the agrochemical companies, advisors and state officials operating in the Nordic–Baltic region to attend this meeting: Suggestions for presentations are welcome and can be directed to the respective sub–group leaders or chairman regarding plenary session.
Read about NORBARAG–the Nordic Baltic Pesticide Resistance Action Group:
Plenary session: Mati Koppel, Estonian University of Life Sciences:
Fungicides: Andres Mäe, Estonian Crop Research Institute:
Herbicides: Björn Ringselle, Research Institutes of Sweden:
Insecticides: Dorte Højland Castberg, Agrolab A/S:
Please use the link at to register no later than Friday, 4th March 2022. For registered users we will send a zoom link to their e–mail a few days before Norbarag takes place. There is no registration fee planned.
LLU Institute of Plant Protection Research "Agrihorts"
Viktorija Zagorska:
Regina Rancane: