16th NORBARAG meeting in Vilnius Lithuania, March 13th-14th, 2025

We are delighted to share more information on the 16th NORBARAG meeting 13-14 of March 2025, which will be held in the hotel Comfort Hotel LT - Rock 'n' Roll Vilnius, Lithuania. The meeting will be held in person.

During our meeting, researchers, practitioners and people involved in the pesticide resistance will present their insights and research results and cover different aspects regarding the topic. Later, discussions will take place in insecticide, fungicide and herbicide sub-groups. Agenda for sub- groups will be presented later by the chairs of each group. Agenda for plenary session is still in planning. Suggestions for plenary session are most welcome.

We share preliminary agenda for our meeting, please take note that changes can be made at this stage.

Read more about NORBARAG - the Nordic Baltic Pesticide Resistance Action Group: http://norbarag.au.dk.


The content of it will be developed and communicated later.

DAY 1 – Thursday 13th March 2025

10:30 Registration at Comfort Hotel LT - Rock 'n' Roll Vilnius (Kauno 14, Vilnius, Lithuania)

11:30–12:00 Welcome by NORBARAG Chair and the local organizing team (information about meeting, accommodation and other information)

12:00–13:00 Lunch

13:00–17:30 Discussions in sub-groups

15:00-15:30 Coffee, tea, refreshments (depends on sub-groups)

19:00– Dinner

DAY 2 – Friday 14th of March 2025

08:30–09:15 Short summaries (15 min) from sub-group meetings and presentations from sub-group chairs

09:15–09:45 Ruuttunen Pentti (LUKE) presentation on EPPO resistance expert working group 09:45–10:15 Discussion how to proceed with NORBARAG – widen the scope?

10:15–10:45 Coffee, tea, refreshments break

10:45–11:45 Plenary session 2: Keynote presentations about topical issues (to be announced) 11:45–12:30 Closing remarks and announcement of organizing country 2026

Registration fee

The registration fee is 80 Eur. This covers the meeting venue for both days, including lunch and refreshments. Details about payment will be sent separately later.

Detail on payment method and other information will follow soon.


Registration for accommodation is done by the participants themselves.

Please consider booking your accommodation in hotel Comfort Hotel LT - Rock 'n' Roll Vilnius.

Email for booking reservations@strawberry.lt .

Registration with our code NORBARAG 2025 will give you a discount:

60 EUR + (2 EUR city tax) single room; 70 EUR + (4 EUR city tax) double room.



Also, we would like to encourage to participate in dinner at the Comfort Hotel LT Rock'n'Roll Vilnius.

Price for person is 27 Eur. Please consider it and we will send a sheet link for dinner registration later. Payment for dinner will be separately from registration fee, more on that soon.

Meeting venue

Comfort Hotel LT Rock'n'Roll Vilnius (Kauno g. 14, Vilnius)


The hotel in not far from the city centre and near the main train station, with great connections to the Vilnius Airport (20 min by public transport). Please take note that ride-hailing apps are also available in Lithuania (Bolt, Uber).


Paveikslėlis, kuriame yra žemėlapis, tekstas, atlasas  Automatiškai sugeneruotas aprašymas

For any further question please contact: Aurimas.sabeckis@lammc.lt