Participating institutions

Aarhus University (AU), Denmark

Emmanuel Arthur 

Department of Agroecology

Kiril Manevski

Department of Agroecology

Mathias Neumann Andersen

Department of Agroecology

Yuting Fu

Department of Agroecology

Lars Esbjerg

Department of Management

Anne Odile Peschel

Department of Management

Friederike Malisch-Johnigk

Department of Agroecology

Makerere University (MAK)

Alex Nimusiina

Department of Geography, Geo Informatics and Climatic Sciences

Grace Nakabonge

Department of Forestry, Bio-Diversity and Tourism

Twaha Ali Basamba Ateenyi

Department of Agricultural Production

Prossie Nakawuka

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Alice Turinawe

Department of Agribusiness and Natural Ressource Economics

National Agricultural Research Organization - Rwebitaba ZARDI (R-ZARDI)

Secondary Partners