Aarhus University Seal

Open workshop

Keynote speaker: Massimiano Bucchi (Full Professor of Science and Technology and Society and Communication, Science and Technology at the University of Trento)

Info about event


Tuesday 1 December 2020,  at 10:00 - 13:00


Aarhus University



10:00 – 11:00: Kick-off keynote speech from Professor Massimiano Bucchi, Full Professor of Science and Technology and Society and Communication, Science and Technology at the University of Trento and Director of the International Master programme SCICOMM. The title of his talk is: ”Science communication as the social conversation around science”.

11:15 – 12:00: The MSE group will present the latest on their ongoing research.

12:15 – 13:00: Plenary – a general discussion of the field. We look forward to hearing from our participants! 

Sign up herehttps://events.au.dk/mseworkshop1stdec2020 (deadline Thursday 26th November at 12:00 noon) 


About Professor Massimiano Bucchi

Massimiano Bucchi (Ph.D. Social and Political Science, European University Institute, 1997) is a Full Professor of Science and Technology and Society and Communication, Science and Technology at the University of Trento and Director of the International Master programme SCICOMM. He has been a visiting professor in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania. Since 2018, he is director of the Master in Communication of Science and Innovation. He is the author of several books (published in more than twenty countries) and papers in journals such as Nature, Science, PLOS ONE. Among his books in English: Science and the Media (Routledge, 1998); Science in Society (Routledge, 2004); Beyond Technocracy (Springer, 2009); Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology (2 eds. 2008, 2014, with B. Trench, Routledge) and the 4 vols. anthology The Public Communication of Science (Routledge, 2016). He has been the editor of the international peer reviewed journal Public Understanding of Science (Sage, 2016-2019) and regularly contributes to newspapers and TV programmes.

Links to keynote speech, presentations and report

Report on the workshop