Developing the 'mixedness' of farms can result in a better integration of local products in Romania
Interview with Vergina Chirițescu (GAL-TP) about the importance of mixed farming and agroforestry in Romania

Why is mixed farming and agroforestry (MiFAS) important in your region/country?
In my area, most farms have always been mixed farms with fruit trees, animals, pastures, hayfields and wild natural landscapes. Under the pressure of profitability, there is a trend for farm specialisation. However, I believe that it is very important to keep the mixedness of the local farming system as a regional feature, and also to enable the farmers to have stable incomes, to preserve biodiversity and provide quality food.
Which changes would you like to see in your region/country a result of the MIXED project?
I would like to see that keeping and developing the mixedness of farms will result in a better integration of our local products on the market, and in increased value added of these products by local processing.
Highlight something related to MiFAS that is of particular relevance in the country/region in question
We aim to develop the mixedness in resilient fams while preserving biodiversity in our beautiful landscapes. In this way we hope that the next generation will also have apples in the trees and quality and clean meat and milk, that would become an increasingly agroturistic atraction, as well.