Spatial data are available through a number of national and international data suppliers and for a variety of themes. The list below include examples on data sources to spatial data for Ireland, Denmark and to international spatial data, but many other sources to spatial data can be found, providing spatial data as digital maps for use in geographican information systems (GIS) or as statistical figures.
Central Statistics Office, CSO
Ireland's national statistical office. Statistics covering People and Society, Environment and Climate, Economy, Labour Market and Earmings, Business Sectors, and General Statistical Publications.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Transport Infrastructure Ireland provide an integrated approach to the future development and operation of the national roads network and light rail infrastructure throughout Ireland by provide high quality transport infrastructure and services.
Department of the Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The Forest Service produces spatial forest cover datasets detailing the extent of the forest estate in Ireland.
University College Dublin (UCD)
This spatial data portal for UCD is managed by the UCD Earth Institute. Access to this service is available ONLY from within UCD. Consists of both bespoke datasets and datasets from public agencies. UCD includes data on e.g.administrative boundaries, transport features, and CORINE land cover.
UCD Earth Institute
The Earth Institute GIS Server is not available outside of UCD. Include numerous datasets, e.g. administrative boundaries, streets, parks and urban areas.
Ordnance Survey Ireland (purchase)
Ireland’s National Mapping Agency perform the mainstream public service function of creating and maintaining the definitive mapping records of the State and has the commercial function of developing its commercial business and sales revenues. OSi has designed and developed a standardised, authoritative digital referencing framework that enables the consistent referencing and integration of national data related to location. This framework, known as PRIME2, provides the means for GIS data users to accurately integrate and use multiple data sources to provide for better analysis and decision making, optimising resources and delivering efficiencies.
Irish Grid Reference System
Ireland’s open data portal is intended to provide easy access to datasets that are free to use, reuse, and redistribute. The portal is operated by the Government Reform Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Irelands INSPIRE portal
The purpose of the ISDI project and the portal is to make geographic information produced by Irish public bodies easy to find and use. will act as a gateway to very useful environmental spatial data from a wide range of content providers. By making this environmental spatial data more accessible and interoperable, the portal and the ISDI project aim to support and promote: sustainable development; environmental protection; greater collaboration and integration between Irish public bodies; and more efficient evidence-based decision making across Ireland. is the Republic of Ireland's portal for Geographic Information. The portal has been developed by Department of Environment, Community & Local Government (DECLG) and Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) with guidance and oversight from Irish public bodies on the Irish Spatial Data Infrastructure (ISDI) project steering committee. has been designed to comply with the EU INSPIRE Directive and to promote the sharing and effective use of Geographic Information and Geographic Information Systems.
The Irish Organisation for Geographic Information (IRLOGI) is the umbrella organisation for the geographical information industry in Ireland. Its mission is to stimulate the development and effective use of Geographic Information in Ireland. The organisation’s strategic objectives are to act as a focus for the collection, exchange and dissemination of geographic information, to encourage the development and adoption of quality and reliability standards for GI, to represent the interests of the Irish GI community nationally and internationally, and to encourage and support education and training in GI.
The Danish Natural Environment Portal
The Danish Natural Environment Portal is the place where the data of the Danish authorities concerning nature and the natural environment is collected, presented and shared between different agencies, private citizens, organizations and companies.
Danish Geodata Agency
The National Mapping Agency of Denmark, GST, consist of two departments; the Cadastre and the Nautical chart. The Cadastre has the responsibility of the property register and the cadastre, which constitute the legal foundation for sale, mortgaging, valuation and taxation of real property in Denmark. The Nautical chart has the responsibility for nautical survey and mapping for the use of leisure navigation and the navigation industry in Danish, Greenlandic and Faroese waters.
The Public information server, OIS
The public Information server, OIS, is a public database, including information on properties in Denmark. The information is derived from numerous national registers owned and maintained by municipalities, regions and the state. The objectives of OIS are to give property owners free online access to their own data and to ensure the business community easy access to digital property data.
Statistics Denmark
Statistics Denmark is the central authority on Danish statistics. Our mission is to collect, compile and publish statistics on the Danish society.
StatBank Denmark
StatBank Denmark contains all figures to which no comments are made by Statistics Denmark. StatBank Denmark can offer you more facilities than any printed version from Statistics Denmark. We can offer you help to make the most useful tables from StatBank Denmark, regardless of weather you are a registered or non-registered user. As a registered user you can save and edit your tables. This Help offers you detailed clarification of the possibilities in StatBank Denmark.
EUROGI is the European umbrella organization for Geographic Information. EUROLOGI works on making Geographic Information with all its aspects a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society. In order to ensure good governance, economic and social development, environmental protection and sustainability, and informed public participation, the mission is to maximise the availability, effective use and exploitation of GI (geographic information) throughout Europe.
The European Environment Agency, EEA
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. EEA provide datasets like The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) and Corine Land Cover.
CORINE (land cover, population)
Data set on land use and natural resources provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Eurostat (Animal census)
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
FAO Statistics
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) statistics collates and disseminates food and agricultural statistics globally. The division develops methodologies and standards for data collection, and holds regular meetings and workshops to support member countries develop statistical systems. FAO Statistics produce publications, working papers and statistical yearbooks that cover food security, prices, production and trade and agri-environmental statistics.
INSPIRE geoportal
The INSPIRE geoportal provides the means to search for spatial data sets and spatial data services, and subject to access restrictions, to view spatial data sets from the EU Member States within the framework of the INSPIRE Directive.
Open Street Maps
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. Two major driving forces behind the establishment and growth of OSM have been restrictions on use or availability of map information across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.
Geofabrik's free download server, that has data extracts from the OpenStreetMap project which are normally updated every day.
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth, consisting of a set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. The Copernicus programme provides users with free, full and open access to environmental data from either from the Copernicus services or directly from the Copernicus satellites through a set of services. Data are available through the web portals operated by the various Copernicus service lines:
Land-related data:
Atmosphere-related data:
Marine-related data:
Emergency-related data:
Climate change-related data: (Beta version)
ESA GlobCover
The GlobCover Portal provides access to the results of the GlobCover project. GlobCover is an ESA (European Space Agency) initiative which began in 2005 in partnership with JRC, EEA, FAO, UNEP, GOFC-GOLD and IGBP. The aim of the project was to develop a service capable of delivering global composites and land cover maps using as input observations from the 300m MERIS sensor on board the ENVISAT satellite mission. ESA makes available the land cover maps, which cover 2 periods: December 2004 - June 2006 and January - December 2009.
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
National data sets on different themes, e.g. agriculture, infrastructure, land use and population.
ESRI data
Data sets available in ArcMap include base data and data from ArcGIS Online. Global, national and regional data sets are available for different themes.