Aarhus University (AU) was founded in 1928 and today it has several world class research fields. In 2014, Aarhus University employed 8.028 full-time equivalents and had 38.120 students.
AU consists of four faculties. The research, teaching and advisory activities related to natural science and technology is based in the Faculty of Science and Technology (ST). ST comprises twelve departments, a school, a major interdisciplinary centre (iNano) and a number of larger and smaller centres as well as two national centres. One of the departments is the Department for Environmental Science (ENVS).
ENVS has extensive experience with both management of and participation in research projects, capacity building projects and advisory projects. ENVS is responsible for preparing the official Danish annual emission inventories for air pollution and greenhouse gases in accordance with the relevant international guidelines, and for reporting to the relevant international conventions in accordance with Denmark’s obligations. Further ENVS has the responsibility for the Danish air quality monitoring programme of air pollution and the official modelling of air pollution in Denmark. These assignments are all part of the task portfolio included in the contract between Aarhus University and the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food and the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate.
The project team consist of:
Ole-Kenneth Nielsen, Chief Adviser. Ole-Kenneth has a background in chemical engineering, has more than 10 years of experience within the field of air emissions, and has for the past seven years been project leader of the Danish air emission inventories. Ole-Kenneth has extensive experience within all sectors and serves as an expert reviewer under both the UNFCCC and the UNECE. Ole-Kenneth was the coordinating lead editor of the 2013 edition of the EMEP/EEA Guidebook. Ole-Kenneth will be overall project leader and be involved in the setup of both the spatial and temporal model.
Marlene S. Plejdrup, Special Adviser. Marlene has a background as a physical geographer and has been responsible for developing the Danish high resolution spatial model (SPREAD) for distributing emissions. Marlene has been responsible for preparing the official Danish submission of spatial distributed emissions in adherence to the guidelines under CLRTAP. Marlene also has extensive experience in working on the Danish emission inventories and therefore has strong insight into the links between the emission inventory and the spatial modelling. Marlene will be responsible for the development of the spatial model.
Steen Gyldenkærne, Senior Researcher. Steen has a background in agricultural science and has for nearly 15 years worked on the Danish air emission inventories within the agriculture and land-use sectors. Additionally, Steen has been involved in very high resolution (100 m x 100 m) mapping of emissions from agriculture in Denmark as well as research into the temporal variations of agricultural emissions. Steen will work on both the spatial and temporal model providing input and sparing based on his experience within the field.
Jesper H. Christensen, Senior Researcher. Jesper has a background in geophysics and has more than 20 years of experience within the field of atmospheric science and in particular atmospheric modelling. Jesper has been a key factor in developing the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM) and has published extensively both in peer-reviewed journals and scientific reports, and has communicated results to stakeholders and the general public. Jesper will work on the temporal model and will contribute to the visualisation of the results.
Henrik G. Bruun, IT expert. Henrik has been working with environmental data for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in data processing in spreadsheets and databases. Henrik has built the national emission databases in Denmark and has implemented the Danish reporting system to fulfil obligations for reporting of NFR and CRF tables to the UNECE and UNFCCC respectively. Henrik has large experience with programming in a variety of languages and will contribute to ensure an easy workable link between the Irish emission inventory and the spatial/temporal model.