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Pierre Saint-Germier, 2017, Les intuitions rationnelles sont-elles des intuitions modales, Philosophiques 44(1): 49–71. https://www.erudit.org/fr/revu…
Pierre Saint-Germier will present "Truthmaker semantics for the logic of imagination" in Louvain-la-Neuve at the SOPHA Conference on July 2-5 2018. ht…
The paper "Armchair physics and the expertise defence" will be presented by Samuel Schindler at the 2017 APA Pacific Division Meeting.
Anna Drozdzowicz presents “Speakers’ reliability and how to track it – the ordinary case and the case of experts”, Annual Meeting for the 2018…
Anna Drozdzowicz presents “The role of phenomenology in psychiatric diagnoses – challenges for clinical reasoning with experiences”, Issues in…
"The Expertise Defense via Armchair Physics" will be presented by Samuel Schindler at the 2nd Experimental Philosophy Workshop in Osnabrueck.
Anna Drozdzowicz presents “Knowing what a speaker said and experiences of understanding”, Epistemology Workshop, 16-17.11.2017 University of…
See pictures from our workshop Linguistic Intuitions, Evidence, and Expertise here.
The paper "Armchair physics and the expertise defence" by Samuel Schindler and Pierre Saint-Germier has been accepted for presentation at the 2017 APA…
Pictures of our workshop Intuitions and the Expertise Defense in September are now online. See past events.
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