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The Centre for Voice Studies at Aarhus University is hosting an interdisciplinary conference on the human voice. The conference is organized by the…
Yes, we have another paper coming out. This time, the paper is about the conceptual openings and closures of interdisciplinarity, which is a topic all…
The voice group’s third paper, entitled “Creepiness and the Uncanny Valley,” has been accepted for publication in the scholarly journal of Evolutionar…
The voice group’s second paper has been accepted for publication in Games and Culture, a premiere outlet in the field of game studies. Please look for…
Míša brought home the Peter Ladefoged Prize in April 2022 for a contribution at the biennial symposium of the British Association of Academic…
The voice group’s first paper has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Popular Culture, which is the official publication of the Popular…
Read an interview with Míša about the voice project and interdisciplinarity in an interview by Jeppe Kiel Revsbech here.
The second postdoctoral fellow is starting the work on the voice project in September 2021.
We're very happy to announce that a postdoc position on the Voice project has been advertised: https://www.au.dk/om/stillinger/job/postdoctoral-positi…
Our project comes to live! On the 3rd of December 2020, we find out that the project titled ""It's not what you said, it's how you said it": An…