The vole model description following ODdox protocol
CAlleleFreq | Class to handle statistics and constructs based on allele frequencies |
CAlleleFreq1616 | |
CAlleleFreq256_16 | |
CAlmassCrop | Struct for storing ALMaSS crop type (TTypesOfVegetation) with a corresponding value (mainly crop area) |
►CAnimalPosition | A class defining an animals position |
►CBinaryMapBase | |
CCompareState | Function to compare to TAnimal's Current behavioural state |
CCompareStateAlive | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to anything but -1 |
CCompareStateDead | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to -1 |
CCompareStateR | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo |
CCompareX | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_x |
CCompareY | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_y |
►CCrop | The base class for all crops |
CCropOptimised | A class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation |
COptimisingFarm::CropSort | Struct used for sorting crops |
CDataForOptimisation | Class for storing data for optimisation |
►CFarm | The base class for all farm types |
CDataForOptimisation::FarmData | Class storing farm information: farm's number used in ALMaSS system, farm's soil type, farm's size (business or private) and farm's real ID number |
CFarmEvent | A struct to hold the information required to trigger a farm event |
Cfarminfo | Used during saving farm/hunter information |
CFarmManager | The Farm Manager class |
CGeneticMaterial | Class for the genetic material optionally carried by animals in ALMaSS |
CGeneticMaterial1616 | |
CGeneticMaterial256_16 | |
CGooseFieldListItem | A list item entry of field polygon reference numbers with associated openness and goose food scores |
CHunterInfo | A data structure to hold hunter information for distribution |
CIntArray100 | A struct of 100 ints |
CLandscape | The landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data |
CLivestock | A class for storing livestock parameters and variables for optimising farms |
COptimisingFarm::MakeRotation | Struct used only in Bedriftsmodel crop type mode for creating m_rotation vector. Bool member used for marking the element of a vector as already assigned a TTypesOfVegetation crop type |
CPermCropData | Used for storing permanent crop data for the farm rotation |
CFarmManager::PesticideData | Struct used for storing data on pesticide usage throughout the whole simulation (one instance, m_crops_summary_BIs) |
Cpesticiderecord | |
►CPopulation_Manager | Base class for all population managers |
CPopulationManagerList | A small class to hold the pointers to active population managers |
Cprobe_data | Data structure to hold & output probe data probe data is designed to be used to return the number of objects in a given area or areas in specific element or vegetation types or farms |
Crectangle | A struct defining two x,y coordinate sets of positive co-ords only |
COptimisingFarm::reverseSort | Struct redefining operator < - used for sorting crops |
CSimpleStatistics | |
Cstruct_Predator | Used for creation of a new predator object |
Cstruct_Vole_Adult | A struct for passing data to create a new vole |
►CTALMaSSObject | The base class of all ALMaSS objects requiring Step code |
Ctpct | Used for storing farmers field size vectors |
CVoleSummaryOutput | A base class for summary outputs |