ALMaSS Vole ODDox  1.1
The vole model description following ODdox protocol
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAlleleFreqClass to handle statistics and constructs based on allele frequencies
 CAlmassCropStruct for storing ALMaSS crop type (TTypesOfVegetation) with a corresponding value (mainly crop area)
 CAnimalPositionA class defining an animals position
 CCompareStateFunction to compare to TAnimal's Current behavioural state
 CCompareStateAliveFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to anything but -1
 CCompareStateDeadFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to -1
 CCompareStateRFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo
 CCompareXFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_x
 CCompareYFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_y
 CCropThe base class for all crops
 CCropOptimisedA class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation
 COptimisingFarm::CropSortStruct used for sorting crops
 CDataForOptimisationClass for storing data for optimisation
 CFarmThe base class for all farm types
 CDataForOptimisation::FarmDataClass storing farm information: farm's number used in ALMaSS system, farm's soil type, farm's size (business or private) and farm's real ID number
 CFarmEventA struct to hold the information required to trigger a farm event
 CfarminfoUsed during saving farm/hunter information
 CFarmManagerThe Farm Manager class
 CGeneticMaterialClass for the genetic material optionally carried by animals in ALMaSS
 CGooseFieldListItemA list item entry of field polygon reference numbers with associated openness and goose food scores
 CHunterInfoA data structure to hold hunter information for distribution
 CIntArray100A struct of 100 ints
 CLandscapeThe landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data
 CLivestockA class for storing livestock parameters and variables for optimising farms
 COptimisingFarm::MakeRotationStruct used only in Bedriftsmodel crop type mode for creating m_rotation vector. Bool member used for marking the element of a vector as already assigned a TTypesOfVegetation crop type
 CPermCropDataUsed for storing permanent crop data for the farm rotation
 CFarmManager::PesticideDataStruct used for storing data on pesticide usage throughout the whole simulation (one instance, m_crops_summary_BIs)
 CPopulation_ManagerBase class for all population managers
 CPopulationManagerListA small class to hold the pointers to active population managers
 Cprobe_dataData structure to hold & output probe data probe data is designed to be used to return the number of objects in a given area or areas in specific element or vegetation types or farms
 CrectangleA struct defining two x,y coordinate sets of positive co-ords only
 COptimisingFarm::reverseSortStruct redefining operator < - used for sorting crops
 Cstruct_PredatorUsed for creation of a new predator object
 Cstruct_Vole_AdultA struct for passing data to create a new vole
 CTALMaSSObjectThe base class of all ALMaSS objects requiring Step code
 CtpctUsed for storing farmers field size vectors
 CVoleSummaryOutputA base class for summary outputs