The vole model description following ODdox protocol
CAgroChemIndustryCereal | |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm1 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm2 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm3 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CAlleleFreq | Class to handle statistics and constructs based on allele frequencies |
CAlleleFreq1616 | |
CAlleleFreq256_16 | |
CAlmassCrop | Struct for storing ALMaSS crop type (TTypesOfVegetation) with a corresponding value (mainly crop area) |
CAnimalFarm | Subclass of the OptimisingFarm. Either pig or cattle farm |
CAnimalPosition | A class defining an animals position |
CBinaryMapBase | |
CBroadBeans | |
CCarrots | |
CCloverGrassGrazed1 | |
CCloverGrassGrazed2 | |
CCompareState | Function to compare to TAnimal's Current behavioural state |
CCompareStateAlive | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to anything but -1 |
CCompareStateDead | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to -1 |
CCompareStateR | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo |
CCompareX | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_x |
CCompareY | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_y |
CConventionalCattle | Inbuilt farm type |
CConventionalPig | Inbuilt farm type |
CConventionalPlant | Inbuilt farm type |
CConvMarginalJord | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CCrop | The base class for all crops |
CCropOptimised | A class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation |
►CDataForOptimisation | Class for storing data for optimisation |
CDummyCrop | |
CDummyCropPestTesting | |
CFarm | The base class for all farm types |
CFarmEvent | A struct to hold the information required to trigger a farm event |
Cfarminfo | Used during saving farm/hunter information |
►CFarmManager | The Farm Manager class |
CFieldPeas | |
CFieldPeasSilage | |
CFieldPeasStrigling | |
CFodderbeet | |
CFodderGrass | |
CGeneticMaterial | Class for the genetic material optionally carried by animals in ALMaSS |
CGeneticMaterial1616 | |
CGeneticMaterial256_16 | |
CGooseFieldListItem | A list item entry of field polygon reference numbers with associated openness and goose food scores |
CHunterInfo | A data structure to hold hunter information for distribution |
CIntArray100 | A struct of 100 ints |
CInTrapPosition | A class for storing the position of the trap the vole is in |
CLandscape | The landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data |
CLivestock | A class for storing livestock parameters and variables for optimising farms |
CMaize | |
CMaizeSilage | |
CMaizeStrigling | |
CNLBeet | NLBeet class |
CNLBeetSpring | NLBeetSpring class |
CNLCabbage | NLCabbage class |
CNLCabbageSpring | NLCabbageSpring class |
CNLCarrots | NLCarrots class |
CNLCarrotsSpring | NLCarrotsSpring class |
CNLCatchPeaCrop | NLCatchPeaCrop class |
CNLGrassGrazed1 | NLGrassGrazed1 class |
CNLGrassGrazed1Spring | NLGrassGrazed1Spring class |
CNLGrassGrazed2 | NLGrassGrazed2 class |
CNLGrassGrazedLast | NLGrassGrazedLast class |
CNLMaize | NLMaize class |
CNLMaizeSpring | NLMaizeSpring class |
CNLPermanentGrassGrazed | NLPermanentGrassGrazed class |
CNLPotatoes | NLPotatoes class |
CNLPotatoesSpring | NLPotatoesSpring class |
CNLSpringBarley | NLSpringBarley class |
CNLSpringBarleySpring | NLSpringBarleySpring class |
CNLTulips | NLTulips class |
CNLWinterWheat | NLWinterWheat class |
CNonAnimalFarm | Subclass of the OptimisingFarm. Either plant or other farm |
CNoPesticideBaseFarm | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CNoPesticideNoPFarm | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CNorwegianOats | |
CNorwegianPotatoes | |
CNorwegianSpringBarley | |
COats | |
COBarleyPeaCloverGrass | |
COCarrots | |
COCloverGrassGrazed1 | |
COCloverGrassGrazed2 | |
COCloverGrassSilage1 | |
COFieldPeas | |
COFieldPeasSilage | |
COFirstYearDanger | |
COFodderbeet | |
COGrazingPigs | |
COMaizeSilage | |
COOats | |
COPermanentGrassGrazed | |
COPotatoes | |
COptimisingCattleFarm | Subclass of the AnimalFarm |
►COptimisingFarm | A farm that carries out crop, pesticide and fertilizer planning using simplified optimisation or other decision startegies |
COptimisingOtherFarm | Subclass of the NonAnimalFarm |
COptimisingPigFarm | Subclass of the AnimalFarm |
COptimisingPlantFarm | Subclass of the NonAnimalFarm |
COrchardCrop | |
COrganicCattle | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
COrganicPig | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
COrganicPlant | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
COSBarleySilage | |
COSeedGrass1 | |
COSeedGrass2 | |
COSpringBarley | |
COSpringBarleyExt | |
COSpringBarleyPigs | |
COTriticale | |
COWinterBarley | |
COWinterBarleyExt | |
COWinterRape | |
COWinterRye | |
COWinterWheat | |
COWinterWheatUndersown | |
COWinterWheatUndersownExt | |
COwl | One of two current implementations of TPredator |
CPermanentGrassGrazed | |
CPermanentGrassLowYield | |
CPermanentGrassTussocky | |
CPermanentSetAside | |
CPermCropData | Used for storing permanent crop data for the farm rotation |
Cpesticiderecord | |
CPesticideTrialControl | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CPesticideTrialToxicControl | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CPesticideTrialTreatment | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CPLBeans | PLBeans class |
CPLBeet | PLBeet class |
CPLBeetSpr | PLBeetSpr class |
CPLCarrots | PLCarrots class |
CPLFodderLucerne1 | PLFodderLucerne1 class |
CPLFodderLucerne2 | PLFodderLucerne2 class |
CPLMaize | PLMaize class |
CPLMaizeSilage | PLMaizeSilage class |
CPLPotatoes | PLPotatoes class |
CPLSpringBarley | PLSpringBarley class |
CPLSpringBarleySpr | PLSpringBarleySpr class |
CPLSpringWheat | PLSpringWheat class |
CPLWinterBarley | PLWinterBarley class |
CPLWinterRape | PLWinterRape class |
CPLWinterRye | PLWinterRye class |
CPLWinterTriticale | PLWinterTriticale class |
CPLWinterWheat | PLWinterWheat class |
CPLWinterWheatLate | PLWinterWheatLate class |
CPopulation_Manager | Base class for all population managers |
CPopulationManagerList | A small class to hold the pointers to active population managers |
CPotatoes | |
CPotatoesIndustry | |
Cprobe_data | Data structure to hold & output probe data probe data is designed to be used to return the number of objects in a given area or areas in specific element or vegetation types or farms |
Crectangle | A struct defining two x,y coordinate sets of positive co-ords only |
CRoeDeerInfo | Part of the basic ALMaSS system (obselete) |
CSeedGrass1 | |
CSeedGrass2 | |
CSetAside | Rotational set-aside management class |
CSimpleStatistics | |
CSpringBarley | |
CSpringBarleyCloverGrass | |
CSpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyPTreatment | |
CSpringBarleySeed | |
CSpringBarleySilage | |
CSpringBarleySKManagement | |
CSpringBarleySpr | |
CSpringBarleyStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyStriglingCulm | |
CSpringBarleyStriglingSingle | |
CSpringRape | |
Cstruct_Predator | Used for creation of a new predator object |
Cstruct_Vole_Adult | A struct for passing data to create a new vole |
CSugarbeet | |
CTALMaSSObject | The base class of all ALMaSS objects requiring Step code |
CTAnimal | The base class for all ALMaSS animal classes |
Ctpct | Used for storing farmers field size vectors |
CTPredator | The base class for predators encompsassing all their general behaviours |
CTPredator_Population_Manager | The class to handle all predator population related matters |
CTrapLineMap | A class for simulation virtual traplines |
CTriticale | |
CUserDefinedFarm | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm1 | |
CUserDefinedFarm10 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm11 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm12 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm13 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm14 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm15 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm16 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm17 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm18 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm19 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm2 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm20 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm21 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm22 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm23 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm24 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm25 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm26 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm27 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm28 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm29 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm3 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm30 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm31 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm32 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm33 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm34 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm35 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm4 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm5 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm6 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm7 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm8 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm9 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CVole_Base | Base class for voles - all vole objects are descended from this class |
CVole_Female | The class for female voles |
CVole_JuvenileFemale | The class for female voles |
CVole_JuvenileMale | The class for juvenile male voles |
CVole_Male | The class for male voles |
CVole_Population_Manager | The class to handle all vole population related matters |
CVoleSummaryOutput | A base class for summary outputs |
CWeasel | One of two current implementations of TPredator |
CWheatPControl | |
CWinterBarley | |
CWinterBarleyStrigling | |
CWinterRape | |
CWinterRapeStrigling | |
CWinterRye | |
CWinterRyeStrigling | |
CWinterWheat | WinterWheat class |
CWinterWheatStrigling | |
CWinterWheatStriglingCulm | |
CWinterWheatStriglingSingle | |
CWWheatPControl | |
CWWheatPToxicControl | |
CWWheatPTreatment | |
CYoungForestCrop |