WP1 – Marine Ecosystems
WP leader: Jørgen Bendtsen, VitusLab (jb@vituslab.dk)
- Task T1: Analysis of the spatial and seasonal variation in CO2 and CH4 concentrations in Danish fjords and coastal areas. (Mikael Sejr, AU)
- Task T2: Field measurements to parameterize the air-sea exchange of GHGs in coastal waters. (Lise Lotte Sørensen, AU)
WP2 – Terrestrial Ecosystems
WP leader: Thomas Friborg, University of Copenhagen (KU) (tfj@geo.ku.dk)
- Task T3: Analysis of spatial and seasonal variation of CO2 and CH4 fluxes over different terrestrial ecosystems. (Andreas Ibrom, DTU)
- Task T4: GHG flux/concentration measurements in a tall mast to validate the models and to integrate fluxes over a local area. (Ebba Dellwik, DTU)