Aarhus University Seal

Who is who

Alphabetic by last name:


Jørgen Bendtsen, Oceanographer


Phone: +45 39179731 / +45 21671535

E-mail: jb @ vituslab.dk


Eva Bøgh, Associate Professor

Roskilde University

Environmental Dynamics, Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change

Phone: +45 46743940

E-mail: eboegh @ ruc.dk


Ebba Dellwik, Senior Scientist

Technical University of Denmark

Department of Wind Energy

Phone: +45 46775032 / +45 21326324

E-mail: ebde @ dtu.dk


Thomas Friborg, Associate Professor

University of Copenhagen

Department of Geography and Geology

Phone: +45 35322574

E-mail: tfj @ geo.ku.dk


Camilla Geels, Senior Scientist

Aarhus University

Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)

Phone: +45 87158527

E-mail: cag @ dmu.dk


Andreas Ibrom, Senior Scientist

DTU Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering ECO


Lise Lotte Sørensen, Senior scientist

Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) &

Arctic Research Centre,

Aarhus University

Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde

E-mail: lls @ dmu.dk

Phone: +45 87158512

Mobile: +45 30183119