We hereby invite researchers to contribute to the theme of data-work in healthcare.
At CSCW 2016, Sunday 29 February 2016 in San Francisco, California, USA.
The workshop focuses on the new work ecologies emerging from implementation and use of information infrastructures in healthcare (IIH).
As IIH “grow” through organizational and regulatory mechanisms, CSCW researchers grapple with the shifting nature of healthcare data. CSCW has long been concerned with coordination, cooperation, and communication among interdisciplinary occupations in healthcare. Yet, while medical record keeping is still a primary function of IIH, second order data usages are increasingly large foci of IIH design and use. Facilitating development of health data practice and infrastructure is an area ripe for CSCW research.
Critical topics include but are not limited to: re-use of clinical data for second order usages; design of artifacts and infrastructures; politics of creating and using data; algorithmic authority of IIH and effects on the exercise of expertise and discretion of healthcare professions; new forms of healthcare data work, including new occupations; data-driven accountability and management in healthcare.
Call for papers
We call for submission of short position paper (2 -4 pages. SigCHI Extended Abstracts format) presenting a brief overview of the focus of work, along with a specific empirical case from research.
Important dates