Aarhus University Seal



Olympia Bobou & Rubina Raja, "The Danish Trade in Palmyrene Objects", workshop: Digging up the Past: Aspects of a Multi-Layered Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire from the Late 19th to the Early 20th Century, Online, 7 June 2024. 

Olympia Bobou, Julia Lenaghan & Rubina Raja, "Re-evaluating the Senate House and Its Sculptures", conference: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, session: Lived Spaces in Palmyra , Paris, France, 5 June 2024.

Olympia Bobou & Rubina Raja, "The Lived Experience of Funerary Spaces", conference: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, session: Lived Spaces in Palmyra , Paris, France, 5 June 2024.

Olympia Bobou & Rubina Raja, "Palmyra's Sacred Spaces", conference: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, session: Urban Religion through the Lens of Urban Archaeology, Paris, France, 5 June 2024.

Olympia Bobou & Rubina Raja, "Lived Spaces in Palmyra: Between Legacy data and Archeological Reports –position paper", conference: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, session: Lived Spaces in Palmyra , Paris, France, 5 June 2024.

Rubina Raja, "Lived spaces in the Urban Desert: Urban Priests, Urban Religion, Urban Space in Palmyra, Syria", conference: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, session: Urban Religion through the Lens of Urban Archaeology, Paris, France, 5 June 2024.

Rubina Raja, "Epigraphy in Context: 300 Years of Epigraphic Habit and Material Culture in the Desert of Palmyra", lecture series: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Sommersemester 2024, München, Germany, 26 April 2024.

Rubina Raja, "Palmyre, Cité Grecque in a Roman World? Tracing and Understanding Greek Influences in Roman Palmyra through Imports, Iconography and Architectural Traditions", lecture: The Rumpakis Family Lecture, Willamette University, Oregon, USA, 14 March 2024. 

Rubina Raja, "Urban Culture in the Syrian Desert: New Research on Palmyra", University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA, 11 March 2024. 

Rubina Raja, "Palmyra and the Third-Century ‘Crisis’ at Home", conference: Palmyra, the Roman Empire, and the Third-Century Crisis, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 March 2024. 

Rubina Raja, "Integrating Archaeology and Historiography in Resonant Self-World Relations: Palmyra and its Priests", University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, 6 February 2024.


Rubina Raja, "Death by Data?: Or What Has a Decade of Research on Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture Taught Us about the Ancient World?", Conference: American Schools of Overseas Research - Annual Meeting 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 15 November 2023. 


Iza Romanowska, "An Archaeological Perspective on the Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKC)", conference: Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting 2021, virtual event, January 7 2021. 

Julia Steding, "Producing Palmyrene Loculus Reliefs", conference: Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting 2021, virtual event, January 7 2021. 

Nathalia B. Kristensen, "Coins and economic patterns in Roman Palmyra", conference: Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting 2021, virtual event, January 7 2021. 

Rubina Raja, "Circular Economy and Urban Sustainability in Antiquity: New Perspectives on Ancient Material", conference: Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting 2021, virtual event, January 7 2021.