Aarhus University Seal

The Aarhus University Network on Artificial Biology (AUNAB) is an interdisciplinary research network (IRN) bringing together scientists with an interest in the engineering of life - here symbolized as a merge of a cogwheel and a cell in the logo of the Artificial Biology conference. The network has a broad topic area spanning fundamental and applied research e.g., molecular design, evolution, cell mimicry, origin of life, soft robotics, biotechnology and medicine. AUNAB is supported by the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Aarhus University but also brings together researchers from Faculties of Technical Sciences, Health, and Arts. AUNAB arranges annual symposia, workshops, research meetings, and the international conference on Artificial Biology. On this homepage you can discover upcoming events, news, funding opportunities, job postings, and infrastructure updates. For more information about the network, click here



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