Aarhus University Seal

New ANTHEA team member

Assistant Professor Dr. Michelle Farrell will be working with the ANTHEA team the next two years.

Michelle’s research focuses on human-environment relationships during prehistory, particularly on islands and in landscapes that today might be considered 'marginal' for settlement. Recent projects have investigated cultural responses to environmental change in the island environments of Orkney and Malta, and in the wetland landscapes of the Somerset and Humberhead Levels.

Her research on the ANTHEA project will use pollen data to reconstruct the spatial extent of heathlands in northern Europe over time, providing insights into relationships between the development and maintenance of this ecosystem and human activity. Michelle is currently based at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University in the UK, and she will be working from Coventry most of the time but will join the team at Moesgaard occasionally.