ANTHEA PhD course
The PhD course "Longue Durée Perspectives in the Anthropocene" was taught October 31 - November 2, 2022 by Mark Haughton and Mette Løvschal.

The PhD course "Longue Durée Perspectives in the Anthropocene" was taught October 31 - November 2, 2022 by Mark Haughton and Mette Løvschal.
12 PhD scholars from across Northern Europe participated (the UK, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Denmark), with interests as diverse as Chinese traditional medicine, sustainability in Arctic Universities and artistic responses to the Anthropocene. The programme mixed lectures on theories of time, deep-time perspectives and Anthropocene debates with case studies on the ANTHEA project and the Oslo-based Relics of Nature project. For the latter, the excellent landscape geographer Katherine Burlingame of the University of Oslo joined. It was also an opportunity for the lecturers to explore the fascinating and varied projects that the students are working on and the many ways in which their concerns connected with those ANTHEA is addressing. The final day included a field trip to Sejs heathland and the Iron Age ritual landscape of Alken Enge to explore the challenges and opportunities of understanding the long-term trajectories of cultural landscapes in the face of growing climate destruction.
The full course description can be found here