Key Contributions

Key Elements of AgroRobottiFleet

1.      Fleet of collaborative autonomous robots:

Development of a system allowing an operator to compose a fleet of Robottis, define their tasks, their safety requirements, and their levels of autonomy. Fleet simulation are employed for task planning and utilization of digital twin settings for runtime monitoring of operations.

2.      Dependable communication and collaboration:

Development of multi-protocol dependable wireless communication and collaboration with graceful degradation. High performance operations when distributed safety information is available to the fleet. Robust degradation of performance when only local safety information is available. 

3.      Safe and reliable autonomy:

Autonomous Robottis are capable of adjusting their own level of autonomy in order to ensure safety requirements dependent on local conditions. Individual Robottis analyse the environment and make autonomous decisions about future actions. In case of unclear or undefined situations, the autonomy can be adjusted, up to a complete halt of operation, and operators can advise accordingly.