
ÆLECTRA has an overarching goal of developing a technology for ammonia synthesis and separation at an energy efficiency of up to 55% (LHV-based).

Project goals

  • demonstrate a proof of concept of new type of a reactor of ammonia synthesis at up to TRL4
  • demonstrate a proof of concept of ammonia separation from the reactor in liquid form at up to TRL4
  • develop new methods for the production of reactor component

Key Performance Indicators

  • ammonia production rate >100 nmol cm-2 s-1
  • ammonia storage in a 100 mL cylinder, up to 30 days
  • ammonia synthesis and condensation at up to 100 bar and 50 oC
  • system integration - plug&play from a local grid @220 V

Project facts



Project title

A new concept for Mid- to Long-term storage of EleCTrical energy in green liquid Ammonia

Project duration

48  Months ( 10/ 2023 to 09 / 2027 )

Project cost



Topic area

This EIC Pathfinder Challenge aims at providing solutions that will optimise European energy storage and thus enable demand response strategies and capabilities to host higher penetration of intermittent renewable technologies. Proposed solutions with multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial approaches, looking for inspiration, ideas and knowledge in a broad range of disciplines are particularly welcome.

For more details, see the EIC Work Programme 2022 and Challenge Guide for this topic (available on call opening).

Key words

Energy collection, conversion and storage, renewable energy, hydrogen, liquid ammonia

Project structure

Work package 1

Project management

Work package 2

Development of the reactor components

Work package 3

Development and testing of the reactor and separation unit

Work package 4

Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Work package 5

Portfolio management

Work package 6

Ethics report


The project structure is divided into four levels of management and organization

  1. Steering board - The ultimate decision-making body of the consortium in which each Party is represented, and strategic decisions are made concerning the entire Project and the general course of the work.)
  2. Project coordination team - The Coordinator is the legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Parties and the Funding Authority. The Coordinator shall, in addition to its responsibilities as a Party, perform the tasks.
  3. Workpackage leader - Responsible for a specific work package.
  4. Partner - Performs a Task in a WP and collaborates with WP leader. Legally obliged to deliver what is agreed in the Grant Agreement - GA101115264 – AELECTRA.