Aarhus University Seal

Scientific Expertise, Communication and Trust (SECAT) conference

The Scientific Expertise, Communication and Trust (SECAT) conference, run by the (Mis)trust of Scientific Expertise research group at Aarhus University, will take place as a free, online international event. We aim to promote equity and sustainability at the conference, and welcome contributions for potential inclusion in a subsequent publication. The organizing committee is delighted to announce the keynotes and call for papers for SECAT!

Info about event


Tuesday 27 September 2022, at 08:00 - Wednesday 28 September 2022, at 17:00


Online venue

Virtual scientific conference

Global challenges and local perspectives
This conference provides a platform for critical scholarly engagement on matters relating to science, communication and trust. SECAT provides scholars with the opportunity to focus on these topics, especially as the last few years have brought matters relating to science, communication and trust to the forefront of our lives.

Legacy and social media in the 2020s have been dominated by narratives about the pandemic and climate change. These existential threats have highlighted humanity’s indebtedness to scientific knowledge, as well as the challenges of mediating scientific recommendations, and the significance of values and culture for science.

Although such risks are global, their effects are uneven and are experienced locally, posing moral questions about social justice. How can one communicate about science in ways that promote trust and foster engagement?

This conference encourages critical exploration of the topics of science, communication and trust from different disciplinary angles. It recognizes the central importance of context, encouraging contributions from scholars around the world. 

Brian Trench, Senior lecturer emeritus, School of Communications, Dublin City University, Ireland

Maja Horst, Professor, Division for Responsible Innovation and Design, DTU Technical University of Denmark

Maria Baghramian, Professor, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland

Plenary discussion
Megan Bang, Professor, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, USA 

Douglas Medin, Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, USA

Organising committee
The conference will be held by the interdisciplinary project group at Aarhus University, (Mis)trust of Scientific Expertise”- https://projects.au.dk/mse/ - which investigates trust and mistrust of scientific expertise from a cultural perspective. The research project is funded by Aarhus University Research Foundation.

Important dates
Deadline for abstracts: 1 May  
Notification of acceptance: 1 June
Deadline of registration: 1 September
SECAT conference: 27 & 28 September

Contact the organizing committee:

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