MIXED project meeting in Switzerland
Final project meeting in the project in Basel, Switzerland, and kicking off the final phase of the project.

For three days on September 16-19 2024 the MIXED project partners met for one last time in Basel, Switzerland. Being in the final phase of the project this meeting was a good opportunity to present results from the project for all the other partners and discuss the way forward. The programme for the meeting included among other things a session for all the work packages in the project, prepatation for the coming policy workshop and an extended farm visit.
Day 1
On the first day of the project the partners met in the centre of Basel in Markthalle, where they were welcomed by the project coordinator, Tommy Dalgaard, and after some short presentations they spent most of the afternoon on a "reflection workshop" that is partly captured in the images below.
Day 2
On the second day, the partners met early in the morning to go by bus to FiBL's premises for a session, that collected and prossesed input for the policy workshop, that the project will host on December 3 in Brussels. Being in the FiBL office also gave an opportunity to take a tour around the premises to explore a bit of what they are doing. This was followed by a visit to a farm not too far away, that showcased an example of how they are working with mixed farming in Switzerland. In the video below you can see images from the farm visit that also included a visit to a start-up company working with processing the locally grown fruits eg. cherries and plums.
Day 3
On the third and last day of the meeting it was time to pick up on learnings and pave the way forward for the project. It was a day full of colourful post-its with interesting inputs from all the partners. First visualising the ecosystem services that the network provides and afterwards discussing what can be done to best communicate what has come out of the project. A lot of good ideas came up and gave good input for all the partners to go home and continue the work in the project. In the pictures below some of the good ideas are captured.