Learn more about our partners and the MIXED farming and agroforestry in Europe.
Partner interview with Fabien Liagre from AGROOF

Why is mixed farming and agroforestry important in your region / country?
Agroforestry systems are now a major issue for our Mediterranean region for reasons of adaptation to climate change, whether for periods of drought but also for climatic disturbances (cold peaks or floods). In addition, we are asked to produce with a lower impact on ressources (nutrients or pesticides), and mixed systems offer some interesting alternative.
Which changes would you like to see in your region/country as a result of the MIXED project?
We expect both elements of response on outcomes in terms of tree/crop/animal interactions and innovations in farm development. In hog farms, we need to improve on tree protection issues (young and old) as well as herbaceous cover management. Similarly, we would like to further explore the forage potential of trees (oak trees but also other fruit trees or shrubs) for hog feed and the impact of this tree alimentation on the finished product (meat quality).
Highlight something related to MiFAS that is of particular relevance in the country/region in question
A major expectation for farmers in our region and throughout France is to better quantify the impact of tree stands on the microclimate of the plot and how it can help - or not - to adapt their cropping system to the effects of climate change. Similarly, another whereas is to explore the possibility to get improved varieties or adapted varieties to the agroforestry context. An another point is also to assess the impact of the trees on key parameters for the production: soil impact and biodiversity improvement. Farmers would like to know if it's possible to improve the natural fertility of their soil, or if the agroforestry biodiversity can help them to reduce their outputs (pesticides and fertilizer). I know it's not easy, but it's an exciting challenge!