Manure management for methane mitigation - Improved inventory modelling to support policy actions

Manure management is a main source of methane (CH4) emissions. Mitigation options such as biogas treatment exist, but effects cannot be verified and are not accounted for in inventories.

In this project, a new method to estimate CH4 emissions from manure will be used to investigate farm-level greenhouse gas mitigation, and for upscaling to national inventories. Partners are DE, DK (coord.), NL, SE and the company BPC Instruments.

Experimental results are used to parameterise sub-models of daily CH4 emission for use in analysing country-specific scenarios with the model FarmAC. GHG mitigation scenarios are studied, and the results may be up-scaled and used for inventories at farm- and country-level.

A presentation VIDEO from autumn 2021.

On 23 February 2023, a WEBINAR was organised with presentations from global experts and the M4Models project: “Methane emissions from manure management – monitoring and mitigation”. It was a success with nearly 200 attending from more than 20 countries.


Recent publications:

Petersen, S.O., Ma, C., Hilgert, J.E., Mjöfors, K., Sefeedpari, P., Amon, B., Aarnink, A., Francó, B., Dragoni, F., Groenestein, K., Gyldenkærne, S., Herrmann, C., Hutchings, N.J., Kristensen, I.S., Liu, J., Olesen, J.E., Rodhe, L.   In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries. J. Environ. Manage. 353, 120233.

Hilgert, JE et al. 2023, 'Assessment of the biochemical methane potential of in-house and outdoor stored pig and dairy cow manure by evaluating chemical composition and storage conditions', Waste Management, bind 168, s. 14-24.

Hafner, SD & Mjöfors, K 2023, 'STM: A software tool for predicting daily temperature in stored animal slurry', SoftwareX, vol. 22, 101354.

Hilgert, JE et al. 2022, 'Methane Emissions from Livestock Slurry: Effects of Storage Temperature and Changes in Chemical Composition', Sustainability (Switzerland), bind 14, nr. 16, 9934.