The following list describes the existing tools that will be linked in the INTO-CPS tool chain (their main features are summarised in the figure.
- Modelio is an open-source modelling environment supporting industry standards like UML and SysML. INTO-CPS will make use of Modelio for high-level system architecture modelling using the SysML language and proposed extensions for CPS modelling.
- Overture supports modelling and analysis in the design of discrete computer-based systems using the VDM-RT notation. This tool was used in the DESTECS project project for modelling and simulation of DE controllers.
- 20-sim was used in DESTECS as the main tool for modelling and simulation of CT systems. INTO-CPS will expand this use by incorporating results of systems engineering. The code generation and deployment capabilities of 20-sim will be used for HiL testing.
- OpenModelica is an open-source Modelica-based modelling and simulation environment. Modelica is an object-oriented, equation-based language to model complex CPSs. A large number of Modelica model libraries is available.
- Crescendo is the co-simulation tool developed in the DESTECS project. This tool enables the collaborative simulation of a DE controller modelled from the Overture tool, and a CT model of the physical plant from the 20-sim tool. The custom-built co-simulation interface was expanded to support DE models from Matlab/Simulink as well.
- TWT co-sim engine is a framework for configuring and running co-simulations. The individual simulations each run in their own native tool or are supplied as Functional Mockup Units (FMUs). The simulations are connected via definition of signals to be exchanged. These signals are passed between the simulations using the co-sim router. Among the currently supported tools are Matlab/Simulink, Modelica (both OpenModelica and Dymola, StarCCM+ and Qucs.
- RT-Tester is a test automation tool for automatic test generation, test execution, and real-time test evaluation. The RT-Tester Model Based Test Case and Test Data Generator supports model-based testing: automated generation of test cases, test data, and test procedures from UML/SysML models.