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Full publication list from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project published on FigShare

Several years of fieldwork in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash has resulted in many publications. Now a full list of the publications stemming from the project can be found on FigShare.

Fig. 1. Jerash seen from the Northwest Quarter. To the left, the Northern Tetrapylon can be seen, and to the right the Artemis Temple (Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project).
Fig. 2. Drone photo of part of the excavation. Sediment basin on a terrace above a cistern on the south slope (Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project).
Fig. 3. Dense pottery-fill layers in trench J (Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project).

Since 2011 the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project, directed by Professor Achim Lichtenberger (Münster University) and Professor and Center Director Rubina Raja, has been working in the highest location within the walled ancient city of Gerasa in northern Jordan. Gerasa is one of the most important archaeological sites in the classical world and the second-most visited turist-site in Jordan. It has often been seen as one of the examples of ideal Greco-Roman cityscapes, but in fact the city covers cultural history of several millennia. The Danish-German project has focused on understanding the development of the 4 hectare large Northwest Quarter within a local, regional and global context. The approach has been to cover all periods of human activity in the Northwest Quarter and to contextualise every single find within a larger context. One of the outcomes of this approach, which has also integrated the newest natural science approaches as well as digital sciences, has been the numerous research and research communication publications that have been published since 2012. More than 100 peer-reviewed publications have come out of the project – often in collaboration with other researchers with skills and areas of expertise complementing those within the Danish-German project. In order to give researchers a direct insight into the project’s publication outcomes, the full list of publications from the project have been published on FigShare under a CC by 4.0 license. The publication list gives insight into the complexities involved in archaeological research, which – although only focusing on a fairly small area of a larger ancient site – has given insights into very diverse research issues, such as crisis, catastrophe and water management as well as religious developments and developments of private architecture.

The list can be found under the following link: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12116286         

For further information, please contact professor Rubina Raja (contact information available here) and professor Achim Lichtenberger (contact information available here).