What is Europe? How is the relationship between national identities and a European identity? How do the concepts of the national and of Europe manifest themselves through language and how are these concepts perceived? Those and other question were discussed at the first meeting of the EurEd-network in early April at Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, Germany. The kickoff event with 21 participants from eight universities, the first of four events organized by the network, marked the constitution of the network.
The aim of the network is to develop an interdisciplinary research approach to explore the interplay of constructions of concepts of Europe and national identities in educational media. The kickoff workshop offered discussions, a workshop on the core questions of the network and lectures on selected aspects in relation to approaches to concepts of Europe in educational media. As a result, eight interdisciplinary working groups were established that will work on the topics of the network and present first pre-studies at the next workshop in Copenhagen 29/11 – 01/12 2018. The most important task in the first phase will be to develop the working structures and to narrow down the content and methods that participants will implement in their work over the next two years.
11:00 Guided tour at the GEI library | Führung durch die Bibliothek des GEI
11:30 Lunch | Mittagessen
13:00-13:30 Opening | Begrüßung (Katja Gorbahn & Robert Maier)
13:30-14:00 Presentation of the EurEd project | EurEd-Projektvorstellung (Katja Gorbahn & Jan Engberg)
14:00-15:00 Discussion and constitution of the EurEd network | Diskussionsrunde zur Konstituierung des EurEd-Netzwerks (Moderation: Erla Hallsteinsdóttir)
15:00-15:30 Coffee break | Kaffeepause
15:30-18:00 Workshop on the EurEd content | Workshop zu den EurEd-Inhalten (Moderation: Ken Farø)
19:30 Dinner | Abendessen
9:00-10:30 Concepts of Europe | Europakonzepte : Short plenary talks on the following topics: | Impulsreferate zu folgenden Themen (Moderation: Erla Hallsteinsdóttir & Ken Farø)
10:30 Coffee break | Kaffeepause
11:00 Panel discussion: workgroups & tasks | Diskussion: Arbeitsgruppen & Arbeitsaufgaben (Moderation: Katja Gorbahn & Jan Engberg)
13:00 Closing remarks and lunch | Abschluss und Mittagsessen (Katja Gorbahn & Robert Maier)
The kickoff workshop takes place at our partner institution, the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research.
Celler Straße 3
D-38114 Braunschweig
For information on how to reach the institute, click here.